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My beliefs in Ditto breeding have recently been flipped upside-down.

I used to think that, when trying to pass a Hidden Ability down from a Pokémon when breeding with Ditto, the other Pokémon needed to have its HA, like this senario:

Speed Boost (HA) Blaziken + Limber (non-HA) Ditto = Speed Boost (HA) Torchic
Blaze (non-HA) Blaziken + Imposter (HA) Ditto = Blaze (non-HA) Torchic

However, recently I have been told that it works if the parent doesn't have its HA but Ditto does, like this:

Blaze (non-HA) Blaziken + Imposter (HA) Ditto = Speed Boost (HA) Torchic

I am wondering if I was wrong, and a Pokémon can receive a Hidden Ability not from it's parent, but from Ditto? Or was I right, and that a child can only receive a Hidden Ability only if the parent of the same species also has its HA? Please include a source if possible.


2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

You were correct!

The offspring has a chance to receive a hidden ability only when the non-Ditto parent possess it's hidden ability.

In Generation VI, any Pokémon, including male and genderless Pokémon, can pass down their Hidden Ability when bred with Ditto. Ditto's Ability is irrelevant to inheritance.


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1 vote

Whoever told you this is confused themselves.

In Generation VI, any Pokémon, including male and genderless Pokémon, can pass down their Hidden Ability when bred with Ditto. Ditto's Ability is irrelevant to inheritance. If the male is bred with another Pokémon from the same egg group, Hidden Abilities will not be passed down.

Source: Experience + Bulbapedia page on Breeding
