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Do all the eevee evolutions have the same stats? Which has the most attack/special attack?


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All of the Eeveelutions are good in their own ways, but here are the ones with the most of each stat:

HP: Vaporeon
Attack: Flareon
Defense: Leafeon
Special Attack: Espeon/Glaceon (tie)
Special Defense: Umbreon/Sylveon (tie)
Speed: Jolteon

Umbreon, Sylveon and Vaporeon are the best defensive ones, Espeon and Jolteon are the best specially offensive ones, and Leafeon is the best physically offensive one. Flareon may have the best attack, but it doesn't get many good moves.

Source: DB Pokedex pages

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Thanks, that's just what I need ;)
Aren't Sylveon and Umbreon the most popularly used?
@DA830 Sylveon, Espeon, Umbreon and Vaporeon are in the UU Tier, which is the highest tier of any Eeveelution, so those four are the most popular. I don't know which is used the most among those four, but I do know that Sylveon was extremely popular in a particular format... I just don't remember what it is...
Sylveon is the most popular Eevee evolution in UU right now (possibly because it's still fairly new to the tier and the most recents stats are from July). It's also the second most used Pokemon in the tier, so it's pretty popular; though you can't always equate popularity with effectiveness. If you want the stats, you can see them at the link here (Espeon is the second most popular followed by Umbreon and then Vaporeon): http://www.smogon.com/stats/2016-07/uu-0.txt
If I recall correctly, Sylveon is the only Eevee evolution to have spent any time in ORAS OU at all and it could easily be argued that it only dropped out because of Clefable and its popularity, so it's a pretty good Pokemon. Some of the others might've been OU earlier in Gen 6, but over time they've obviously made their way down the tier lists.
hold up, isn't Sylveon more powerful than Jolteon and Espeon due to pixilate?
well it gets STAB hyper voice but that has the same base power as thunderbolt and psychic, which are jolteon and espeon's main STAB moves
But what about the 30% Pixilate boost?
*pixilate and the reason I didn't know is because that's not mentioned on the Pokemon database page for pixilate
I always wondered how my Sylveon picked up OHKOs with no special attack investment...
You forgot Glaceon.
thanks for pointing that out, I added it in