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Title should say it all.

Do you mean all new items in Gen 7?

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Warning: Contains Spoilers

Here is the entire list+effects (in no particular order)

Adrenaline Orb-- Boosts Speed by one stage when encountering a Pokemon with Intimidate
[type] Memory-- Makes Sivally and its Multi-Attack move the same type as the memory its holding (I figured it would be way too cumbersome to put in every single memory here, so just imagine any type other than Normal there, and you've got the idea)
Electric Seed-- Boosts the holders Defense by 1 stage when Electric Terrain is in effect.
Grassy Seed-- Boosts the holders Defense by 1 stage when Grassy Terrain is in effect.
Misty Seed-- Boosts the holders Special Defense by 1 stage when Misty Terrain is in effect.
Protective Pads-- Prevents any damage or other side effects to the holder that normally occur when using a physical move on the target.
Psychic Seed-- Boosts the holders Special Defense by 1 stage when Psychic Terrain is in effect.
Terrain Extender-- Extends Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, or Psychic Terrain by an extra 3 turns when the holder activates any of the above terrains.
[Type]nium Z-- A special crystal that converts any [type] moves into Z-Moves (I did the same thing as above with the memories here, except this one includes Normal)
Aloraichium Z-- Upgrades Alolan Raichus Thunderbolt into an exclusive Z move.
Decidium Z-- Upgrades Decidueyes Spirit Shackle into an exclusive Z move
Eevium Z-- Upgrades Eevees Last Resort into an exclusive Z move
Incinium Z Upgrades Incineroars Darkest Lariat into an exclusive Z move
Marshadium Z Upgrades Marshadows Spectral Thief into an exclusive Z move
Mewium Z Upgrades Mews Psychic into an exclusive Z move
Pikanium Z Upgrades Pikachus Volt Tackle into an exclusive Z move
Pikashunium Z Upgrades hat-wearing Pikachus Thunderbolt into an exclusive Z move
Primarium Z Upgrades Primarinas Sparkling Aria into an exclusive Z move
Snorlium Z Upgrades Snorlaxs Giga Impact into an exclusive Z move
Tapunium Z Upgrades the Tapus Natures Madness into an exclusive Z move

I think thats everything; feel free to tell me if I'm missing anything!

Source: here

Hope I was able to help!

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lol I actually have no interest in getting the game. I really wonder why everybody cares about spoilers when new games get released. It's not like people don't play games 8 months after their releases.
The big malasada gets consumed, right?
Spoiler warning isn't for you, its for anyone else that doesn't want spoilers. Some people just want to have a whole new experience with the game is all.
And yeah, I'd assume it would be, if its like the Shalour Sable, Castelia Cone, and all the others before it
But the items you just named have no effect when held. Are you sure the big malasada has an effect when held?
Not entirely. If you've tested it and it failed, then I'll be sure to take it off of the list. Sorry!
That settles it then, thanks for letting me know!