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Which Pokemon that fits this description is most helpful for Sword/Shield playthroughs?

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Best is subjective. Best by what criteria?
I added a line to the description that should be fair to assume and will help the question be answerable.
by bes ovr stats
Alright, thanks. By most useful,  you mean best for major battles,  right?
yh it is
I personally would recommend Obstagoon, but you would need one with Guts ability to make the most out of PvP scenarios. I know that wild zigzagoon is considered quite rare to encounter but you can meet it very early in game (Route 2 Grass I believe).  It has lovely all round base stats and powerful moves. However I realised at in Sword the 4th Gym is Fighting type so I guess Obstagoon would just die from the 4* effectiveness...

1 Answer

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I would say Umbreon. It isn't the best for me (I use Sylveon), but it is probably the best you can get early game.

How do you know Umbreon is better than all the other dark Pokemon?
@tricky Do you want me to put this question back on the unanswered list?