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It seems like every time I return to Gen 8 AG, Yveltal always has some new set that I have to prepare for. Since Yveltal is so versatile, what's the best way to counter it?

Tapu Koko is my guess for a Yveltal check. It can take those Knock Offs like a champ
Ya know, I never actually thought of those when typing my answer, although I'd think Tapu Fini especially would work just as well if not maybe better than what I put.
Thundrus and Nihilego absolutely DO NOT counter Yveltal. They're both physically frail and take a lot from knock off on the switch.
Not one of these Pokémon are good in AG.

2 Answers

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Best answer

Specially Defensive Walls: Tyranitar is an outstanding check to Yveltal due to its sand-boosted bulk and resistance to Dark and Flying. It can force Yveltal out using Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, or Thunder Wave. However, Tyranitar relies on Rest in order to recover, which Yveltal's team can take advantage of. Specially defensive Eternatus can avoid being 2HKOed by Dark Pulse, proceeding to wear it down with Dynamax Cannon while PP stalling it with Pressure and Recover. Eternatus must be wary if Yveltal is Dynamaxed, though, as Max Darkness can easily weaken it or force it out. Ho-Oh is a great way to deal with offensive Yveltal, as it can tank its Dark Pulse, cripple it with Sacred Fire or Toxic, and eliminate any chip damage with Regenerator. Additionally, Protect Ho-Oh is a very useful way to stall out Yveltal's Dynamax turns. However, it must be careful of Yveltal's Max Darkness forcing it out. Specially defensive Yveltal can stall out Yveltal's Dynamax, remove its Life Orb with Knock Off, or disrupt it using Snarl, but is quite passive and can be shut down by Taunt as a result.

Fairy-types: Xerneas can also capitalize on specially defensive Yveltal's passivity with Geomancy and pose a large sweeping threat. Xerneas should be careful switching into its Knock Off, though, as it will risk losing Power Herb. Zacian-C poses a fearsome threat to Yveltal, as it resists Dark Pulse and Oblivion Wing, OHKOing it regardless of Dynamax with Behemoth Blade. However, Zacian-C can easily drop to Heat Wave Yveltal. Even in cases where Yveltal lacks Heat Wave, Zacian-C will need some bulk investment to manually switch into Max Airstream. Choice Scarf Zacian can outspeed Yveltal even after a few Max Airstream boosts and threaten it with Play Rough; however, Zacian is easily overwhelmed by Max Airstream, while Play Rough fails to OHKO a healthy Dynamaxed Yveltal.

Ditto: Ditto is a useful revenge killer against Yveltal, as it can deal large amounts of damage and, if it has Dynamaxed, easily 2HKO Yveltal by using Max Airstream. However, a healthy Dynamaxed Yveltal can easily beat Ditto by withstanding Oblivion Wing or Max Airstream and retaliating with its more powerful Max Airstream.

Physically Offensive Pokemon: Physically offensive Pokemon such as Zacian-C, Groudon, setup Zygarde-C, and Zekrom force Yveltal out and can potentially use non-Foul Play variants as setup fodder.

Knock Off: Yveltal has to watch out for Knock Off from opposing Yveltal, Necrozma-DM, and Ferrothorn, as it becomes a lot easier to wear down with Stealth Rock , which is amplified by it very often being the only Defogger on teams. Losing Heavy-Duty Boots also makes it significantly more susceptible to Calyrex-S and entry hazard stacking cores.

Status: Walls such as Ho-Oh, Eternatus, Zygarde-C, and Toxic Ferrothorn can pressure Yveltal with the status moves they carry. Ho-Oh in particular can still cripple Taunt Yveltal with Sacred Fire, while Ferrothorn can stack up entry hazards, compelling Yveltal to come in more often and get worn down more quickly. However, both must be wary of getting their items removed by Knock Off.

Special Wallbreakers: Pokemon such as Kyogre and Eternatus can heavily damage Yveltal and force it to switch out. Choice Specs Kyogre and Meteor Beam Eternatus have the potential to greatly harm or OHKO Yveltal, while bulky Calm Mind Kyogre can set up on it and Life Orb Eternatus can force it to repeatedly use Roost while fishing for poison with Sludge Bomb.


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–2 votes

Hitmonlee@liechi berry
Unburden 252+ atk
-stone edge
-knock off

2:liechi eat and unburden activate
3:use reversal

252+ Atk Hitmonlee Reversal (200 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0- Def Yveltal: 393-463 (100 - 117.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Possible damage amounts: (393, 397, 402, 406, 412, 417, 421, 426, 430, 435, 439, 444, 448, 453, 457, 463)

Hitmonlee is not a counter lol
Yveltal usually carries Sucker Punch.
Also what if the Yveltal uses taunt or switches when you're trying to use endure?