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When you beat the Elite 4 in BDSP, you can then battle Dawn or Lucas on weekends in Sandgem Town, similar to how you can battle your rival on weekends in the Fight Area. They'll open the conversation by asking you if you'd be willing to teach them about Pokemon battles, at which point you can choose to answer either Yes or No. Answering yes initiates the battle, of course, but I haven't been able to find out what they say if you answer no, and I don't have BDSP, so I can't check for myself. If you could include the verbatim word-for-word dialogue they say upon answering No to them, it would be greatly appreciated.

It sucks Bulbapedia hasn't added BDSP quotes yet to Dawn and Lucas's quote pages
Yeah, the game is coming up on its 1 year anniversary, you'd think they'd at least have a skeleton of a section there by now. Oh well, trust the process I suppose

1 Answer

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When you decline to battle them they say the following:

Aww, that's too bad. Well, let me know if you've got a moment some other time!

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Thank you king
Your welcome, especially since it made me want to finally play through my copy on Shing Pearl.