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I am playing Pokemon showdown for fun with my friends, I was gonna use Conkeldurr with Guts and Facade but I can not use the flame orb (rule between us friends this week) and I was wondering if there was a move that could do the same thing, a move that inflicts preferably burn but poison and paralyzation works too.

Outrage and Petal Dance inflict confusion, but that doesn't help you
Rest also leaves the user asleep or drowsy in Legends Arceus but that doesn't work either unless they want to use snore or something.
rest + sleep talk could work. Its unreliable tho

2 Answers

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Best answer

As HydroKamex0610 said a rest talk set works well but as he said its unreliable, but here's a rest talk set that could work.

Conkelldur @ Life orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bulk Up / Close Combat
- Rest
- Sleep talk
- Facade / Close Combat

Switch out against a ghost type and here's a good ghost counter

Obstagoon @ Assault vest
Ability: Reckless
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Double Edge
- Night Slash
- Gunk Shot
- Close Combat

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I recommend Close Combat myself.
Ita very difficult to make a rest talk set work but you have to switch since it gets walled by three types unless you brute force your way out.
Or you could just drop BU for Close Combat.
I like to run boosting moves on rest talk pokemon but maybe i can make it based on preference
You could also drop Facade for CC if you insist on keeping Bulk Up.
1 vote

This thread is full of misinformation.

According to Bulbapedia, Facade DOES NOT trigger off of Sleep. Facade triggers off of Burn, Paralysis, and Poison. There is no reason to use Facade in a RestTalk moveset.

I came up against this myself when trying to put together a Conkeldurr moveset. Its very frustrating.

Honestly very annoying but yeah.