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Since Umbreon's attack stat is slightly higher than it's Sp.Atk, would Faint Attack be better than Dark Pulse?

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1 Answer

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Actually, Payback would be better than all of those. I'll take it piece-by-piece.

Faint Attack: Power of 60 (90 after STAB), Physical Dark type move, and never misses.

Dark Pulse: Power of 80 (120 after STAB), Special Dark type move, and accuracy of 100.

Payback: Power of 50 (100 after STAB, and most likely 150 power since Umbreon's Speed is really low), Physical Dark type move, and accuracy of 100.

Overview: Faint Attack never misses, but has a maximum power of 90. Dark Pulse can flinch the opponent, and almost never misses, and has a maximum power of 120, but is Special. Payback has a maximum power of 150, and you'll probably be getting that with it's low Speed, and almost never misses. I'd go with Payback.

I hope this helps!

You made a mistake, Payback is 100 BP because of the move's effect, and then it's 150 because of STAB.
Does the order matter?
No, but it is confusing because STAB is 1.5x so it would be 75 not 100 then double because of the effect.
Shouldn't the STAB only bring payback to 75, considering it starts with a BP of 50?
Payback has double power when the user goes after its target. So if the user goes after its target, payback has 100 base power (150 with STAB boost)