PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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As long as they are in the same Egg group, they will breed. Wingull is in egg groups Flying and Water One, while Marill is in Fairy and Water One.

The breeding chance will depend on the ID, Species and Egg Group
Same species with different ID numbers:
Chance of getting an egg; 70% | Statement; "The two seem to get along very well!"
Same species with same ID numbers:
Chance of getting an egg; 50% | Statement; "The two seem to get along"
Different species with different ID numbers:
Chance of getting an egg; 50% | Statement; "The two seem to get along"
Different species with same ID numbers:
Chance of getting an egg; 20% | Statement; "The two don't seem to like each other"
Different Egg Groups:
Chance of getting an egg; 0% | Statement; "The two prefer to play with other Pokémon more than with each other."
After every 256 steps, the chance is taken and if the random value is selected to allow for an egg, the egg shall be created for you to pick up at the Day Care centre. If no egg is produced, then you need to go back and take another 256 steps.

why my cherrim and ferrothorn are not producing an egg the old man says "they dont seem to like each other"