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Staraptor @Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
- Wing Attack/Fly- STAB
- Close Combat- Coverage
- Heat Wave- Coverage
- Swift/Tail Wind- STAB
[1]: http://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/diamond-pearl/normal/staraptor.png

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I suggest brave bird.
Go for Fly, it can be handy for unexpected situations, for example Vs. Slaking. =) It can be also used to deal with those who use Protect most of the time, as we know protect can fail on its 2nd time of use.

3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

I'd say Wing Attack because you could do more damage in two turns that one Fly. Just a note: Heat Wave wouldn't be too good on Staraptor

Why Not?
It's Coverage.
Because Heat Wave is a special move and Staraptor has better Attack.
Fly is never used in battles because it's too predictable (opponent can switch into something that takes the hit).

And in future please EDIT comments instead of posting multiple times in a row.
because its a special move and staraptor is a physical attacking pokemon :)
It's generally not the wisest move to put on a coverage move if it's too weak for the pokemon to cover anything with. That can apply with the base stats of the pokemon, or the base power of the move itself (meaning you won't be seeing Aerial Ace on Tyranitar to deal with fighting types)
Good Point. Thanks! :)
2 votes

I'd say fly because it is more powerful and it gives you a turn of being protected, whereas wing attack you could fit two of these attacks instead of one fly, i'd use fly, but its up to you :D

Welcome 2 This Site! :)
it's ok, and thanks :D
2 votes

Go for Fly, it can be handy for unexpected situations, for example Vs. Slaking. =) It can be also used to deal with those who use Protect most of the time, as we know protect can fail on its 2nd time of use. I used Fly to deal with a Yanmega using protect for speed boost on random match up. It can be also used to evade two turn attacks that needs to charge first like solarbeam.

Although my staraptor has Brave bird too just to be safe xD