Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Is anyone allowed to for that matter?I feel like I've read this somewhere before but it isn't there. Mostly because whenever I'm digging around stuff I fund lots of good answers and get the urge to upvote them. Whenever I come across old answers that are bad, I once again get the urge to downvote.

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Can people that are not mods and editors vote on old questions?

If you get the ability to vote, you can vote on anything, regardless of its age. You don't have to be a mod/editor to do that, we don't rule the site like that.

1 Answer

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Of course you can, but please be considerate of other people's answers especially when down voting, as an answer that is techically incorrect now may have been correct when the answer was posted. This is generally the case for most old answers on the site, so please try and be considerate and not down vote users for outdated answers.

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Ok. So your basically saying when downvoting take into the account the mechanics used at that time and how stats were a bit different back then?
Yeah exactly, I mean how would you feel if you found out you got down voted on an answer you wrote ages ago, that was correct at the time but since Game Freak changed the game mechanics it's incorrect in the current Generation? Not very happy I imagine? If an answer's outdated it's better to leave a comment telling them it's outdated than down vote them, as it's just being a bit more considerate towards people's answers.

But yeah you can up vote and down vote whatever you want, just obviously try not to spam up vote/down vote.