Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I know, no pr0n images and all that stuff, but what about swearing, crude humor,or just plain inappropriate stuff?

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1 Answer

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Here's a list with picture guides.

  • Sexual content. This includes hentai characters and pr0nstars.
  • Gang affiliation / smugness. No one cares if you're a juggalo.
  • Drug references. Comical stuff is pushing it.
  • Gore. Don't use something you wouldn't like to see. A little blood is fine.
  • Obnoxious hate speech / discrimination against anything.

  • Don't show yourself. General rule of the internet. No one wants to see some ugly 13 year old, regardless of how adorable your parents view you.

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[Sees random anime characters that I've never heard about]
That one's a... person
That one's a gangsta
That one's a druggie
That one's a surprised dude
Ooooh a pirate!
are comical swears allowed in gravs?
Taking a guess here but nothing that would be censored on chat anyway (yes I'm a hypocrite :P). I assume that's it anyway. It's a nice general rule to go with.
Just out of curiosity what is the punishment for breaking the avatar rules?  Is it the same as with their name?
The only on I know is Yuki from Mirai Nikki xD I think I've seen the girl at the top too, but I've never watched the anime
I don't know the second or last one :(
Noun (Singular)
1. a member of a feudal Japanese society of mercenary agents, highly trained in martial arts and stealth (ninjutsu) who were hired for covert purposes ranging from espionage to sabotage and assassination.

2. Someone who knows everything there is to know about anime.