Meta-PokéBase Q&A
7 votes

Many sites have done this, wouldn't it be fun if, mods and staff could post their stories of how they got into Pokemon and what was the most memorable thing. Since the Pokemon Anniversary is tomorrow (26th 12 am for me atm) it would be nice to celebrate it with some staff stories of how Pokemon got 'em.

(If a staff likes this idea they can post their story as an answer)

I found my friends pokemon ultimate handbook (yep the one with all the errors) which I got permission to keep. And it escalated from there.

That's my story. I am not staff.
My DS had Diamond. And I played. And played.

That's my story. I am not staff. Duh.
My cousin introduced me to pokemon one day and gave me a tattoo. I wore it on my forehead and went to school with it.

That's my story. I am a shovel, not a staff.
I always liked Pokemon because my siblings had a ton of merch and absolutely loved it, so i learned it from them. Then I started watching the whole anime in 2011, and played Ruby in 2011/2012 (idr),  I've been playing it and getting the games ever since.

That's my story. I am not staff
More! Keep it coming!

5 Answers

11 votes

I got into Pokemon when I stole it from my older brother.

That's my story. I am staff.

This deserves at least a hundred upvotes
An innocent question has turned into a 'meme'
Best. Story. Ever.
Has your older brother ever heard of this site?
I despise when an answer has more upvotes than the actual question lol XD :D?
I got a game. It turned out to be Platinum.

That is my story. I am not staff
@Keromatsu it happens.
8 votes

I got into Pokemon when I bought a GBA + Emerald for like $15.

My first wild encounter was a shiny Poochyena and I thought I was special. I couldn't catch it because I had no Pokeballs. But I thought that they would be common.

Then I found out that shinies were 1/8192 chance of appearing and I threw my GBA across the room, and I couldn't play Emerald for another month ;~;

if I say "lol sucks for you", will you ban me?
Like the time I found a shiny Raticate in White but I didn't know that you could catch Pokemon in double battles...
Like the first time that I found a Shiny (as in Emerald too) I found a Shiny Geodude in Granite Cave, I thought it was a glitch and... TURNED OFF THE POWER OF THE CONSOLE (I was stupid)

   And I only cried for 15 minutes.   (Liek if u cri everytiem)
   **********I'm not a staff**********
5 votes

I had the original Gameboy as a young child but all I ever played on it was Kirby's Dreamland. My mum threw it away because I was pretty much addicted to it, and that was the end of that.

I then ROM'd a few Pokemon games during my later school years and the first physical copy I owned was White 2.

Now I own almost every DS & 3DS game. I also just bought Yellow on the eshop.


I'm being shown console after console today; earlier in the day Ross and now you :s
5 votes

Started with Gold version which I got from my cousin. Owned every main series game ever since and standard junk, yea not that interesting of a origin story but meh.

I guess the most memorable experience I had was the cliche picking my very first starter. Since Gold version was my first game I had the choice between Chikorita, Totodile, and Cyndaquil. Of course being young I had to get the coolest one so that automatically tossed Chikorita out of the mix (sorry fans). So for the longest time I sat and decided between the last two and finally decided on Totodile. Thus, Toronto the Totodile was born. Not the best nickname but give me a break I was so young. Anyways I'm more of a Cyndaquil/Typhlosion guy now but that's besides the point. Regardless these guys will always have a special place in my heart. Except you Chikorita, I've haven't came to love you yet. enter image description here

4 votes

I first played Pokemon way before I became a staff memeber here. My very first Pokemon game was Leaf Green. I played some other Pokemon games, discovered this place and then became the best staff memeber around. Then my 3rd cousin's ex girlfriend's dog died. I became super depressed because we were super close and playing games just seemed pointless. I eventually refound my love for Pokemon and became an active memeber of this site again. Today, I still love the Pokemons and enjoy being a gr8 staff memeber and an all around fantastic memeber of this community.

That's my story. I am staff.

edited by
"Active member"
"Staff memeber"

Typo? Or parapraxis?
I believe that was intentional...
He likes to meme, hence memeber.
lol staff. Staff don't ask people like Ray for tcg codes.