Meta-PokéBase Q&A
7 votes

This problem has been on my mind recently, and it pertains to editing and answer into a comment. On a question with two or more answers, if I go to convert the bottom answer to a comment for whatever reason, the default is to convert it onto the answer above it. Wouldn't it make more sense for the default to be the question, instead of another answer? Multiple times I have neglected to change the conversion from the answer to the question, and I end up converting the answer into a comment on the other answer, rather than the question. Wouldn't it be more convenient, when converting an answer into a question, to have it default to the question rather than the answer above it?

Nothing major, just a minor change that could save some stress.

While I'm here, I might as well also bring up a related idea that
could help fix something I've experienced personally. When an person
converts and answer to a comment, it shows on the post that it was
"edited" by that person. Multiple times I've had people ask me what I
edited in their post, when all I did was move it to the appropriate
spot. I thought it might be helpful if the "edited by" message said
something more meaningful, perhaps "moved by" or "converted by".


edited by
I've done this waaay more often then I probably should e.e. +1
I don't really mind the default being the answer. More often than not, the post I'm converting is one by the asker thanking the person who answered the question, so I move it to the actual answer. However, this might only be the case because I can see the admin, where a lot of these posts come from. For everyone else who can't see the admin, I definitely see how defaulting to the question would be more helpful, especially in the RMT section.
While I'm here, I might as well also bring up a related idea that could help fix something I've experienced personally. When an person converts and answer to a comment, it shows on the post that it was "edited" by that person. Multiple times I've had people ask me what I edited in their post, when all I did was move it to the appropriate spot. I thought it might be helpful if the "edited by" message said something more meaningful, perhaps "moved by" or "converted by".
Yes, I run into this problem most often in the RMT.
99% sure it used to say 'converted' rather than edited.
I don't recall it saying 'converted' ever, but it sure should.

1 Answer

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Best answer

It's like that by default because if someone mistakenly posts an answer, it's assumed they are trying to reply to the last answer. (The main answer button is below all the answers.)

Though there is an answer button at the top too, so it's 50/50 to be honest. I'm happy with how it is now :)

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