Meta-PokéBase Q&A
6 votes

(Regardless of points). While you’re here, please improve the approval system, opinionated questions (such as which is cuter) and EV lacking moveset answers are being approved

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I like this suggestion, 1+
What do you mean by opinionated questions? Because if you mean theory questions by that then these are allowed
What's the point to this? It just sounds like extra, unneeded coding. We have the "flag and hide" thing anyways, so isn't it the same thing? Sounds like extra work for the staff to me
Also users who post multiple bad posts should have multiple down-votes, so their posts should already require moderating and approving.
Usually when there’s a rule-breaking question in the moderation queue, I’ll approve it and then immediately close it, so that the asker can see the reason why their question was against the rules. I know most of the other staff do this too.
You realize you can delete whichever wall posts you want, right?

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