Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

On Pokebase, when I click on More favorite users... it shows Page 4 instead of Page 2 or something like that. This happens on my phone and computer. Is this intended or is this an error?

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Yeah this is a known bug. It’s most commonly known for the wall pages, though
Ah I see.
This is the first I’ve heard about it for the favourite pages though :P
Basically Smoothie's both comments. Hellfire Taco has also reported the wall page bug in the site errors thread, just an fyi.
I'm pretty sure it takes the page number displayed as x-1, where x is what page you're on right now. So if you're on p2, the displayed number would be 2-1 = 1 which *works*, but it's bugged after page four.

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