Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I don't know if it's a lot of work, but might it be possible to update the Competitive Pokédex for Scarlet and Violet, I want to use this list to build my team.

If possible an option with Pokémon from Scarlet Violet only would also be nice. Thanks for reading my request/suggestion.


1 Answer

0 votes

This will be done very soon. PokemonDB currently excludes Gen 9 Pokemon from all Pokemon lists that aren't specifically for Gen 9, to assist with spoilers. I imagine Pokemaster will remove this shortly, and Gen 9 Pokemon will appear when that happens.

Thanks! Might this be around Friday (two weeks after release,) or is Pokemaster planning doing this after a month after release? I hope it arrives before the ranked Pokémon battles become available.

Maybe it would be a nice if their is an option in every account to check or uncheck 'show spoilers', when you are logged in. This would help a lot.
Per , it will be two weeks after release.
I don't know if a spoiler toggle is something Pokemaster is interested in adding to the main website, but such a thing does exist here on PokeBase.
A spoiler function for the main site is something I’ve thought about, but I haven’t figured out the best way to display it yet.