Pokémon Rate My Team
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If you click on this please rate it, It's only 16 more days at the time I'm writing this til VGC's in my region and I need some help.

Politoed @ Choice Scarf
4 HP/ 252 Sp. Atk/ 252 Spd
-Ice Beam
-Hydro Pump
-Focus Blast

I just want him for all out attacking and getting rain up for Azumarill and D-Nite. Under Rain Hydro Pump can dent a lot of things. And If I don't wanna rely on the poor accuracy I can use Surf and hit both targets. Ice Beam is for Dragons and Grass types and Focus Blast is for Steels named Ferrothorn.

Azumarill @ Life Orb
Huge Power
244 HP/ 252 Atk/ 12 Spd
-Aqua Jet
-Play Rough

Aqua Jet hurts a lot of things under rain. A Hydro Pump and Aqua Jet combination under rain is pretty much able to take out what I imagine will be the biggest threat. Play Rough is for Dragons. I would rather use Super Power instead of waterfall for steels, mainly Ferrothorn. And the 12 Speed EVs let me outspeed other Azumarills who only run 4 Evs in speed.

Dragonite @ Leftovers
Inner Focus
252 HP/ 252 Sp. Atk/ 4 Spd
-Dragon Pulse

Surprisingly on Pokemon Showdown I caught a ton of people off guard with Inner Focus instead of Multiscale. He draws in Fake Out because everyone thinks he's running Multiscale and they try to break it, which just lets him leave a huge dent in anything and possibly get a KO. I lead him with Politoed most times to avoid Intimidate users that like to force switches. The moves are just standard rain moves so no need to explain all that.

Aegislash @ Weakness Policy
Stance Change
252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Spd
-Kings Shield
-Shadow Sneak
-Sacred Sword
-Iron Head

Kings Shield is Aegislash's buffed up protect. It's really useful, but it can't stop things like Will-o-Wisp, but Will-o-Wisp is generally easy to scout for. Shadow Sneak is his ghost STAB. Sacred Sword is for coverage against Tyranitar and other Dark Types. Iron Head I rarely use, but I keep it for Fairies. I consider replacing it for Shadow Ball to let him be able to hit Physical tanks harder. Thoughts?

These are only four of my six, but these four have been my core on Pokemon Showdown. I got a lot of wins with them alone so I'm pretty happy with them. If you have any suggestions about them please let me know though.
Some pokemon who I have trouble getting through are Rotom. Dragonite can handle him sometimes if he's healthy but everyone else is pretty much walled by him, and I dont even have a mega pokemon yet, soo as a result I created a Venusaur set.

Venusaur @ Mega Stone
Thick Fat
252 HP/ 52 Def/ 252 Sp. Def
-Sleep Powder
-Giga Drain
-Leech Seed
-Sludge Bomb/Protect

He walls Rotom perfectly. Sleep Powder puts everything to sleep(except grass types) because it's VGC. Leech Seed is to break walls and maybe even force switches on a rare occassion. Giga Drain is for additional recovery. Protect is to stall a turn of Leech Seed damage and it's pretty much necessary for VGC but Sludge Bomb deals with Fairies and other Grass types who will wall him without it.

Amoongus and Ferrothorn are other options for dealing with Rotom and it'll give me an option for a better mega evolution. But the thing is I can't find a better Mega Evolution for this team that benefits from rain.

I'm really against Mega Manectric. His special movepool is extremely redundant. All he has are electric and fire moves.

Mega Ampharos is slow and Dragonite does what he can do about the same.

Mega Blastoise and Mega Gyarados makes my team have too many electric and grass weaknesses.

I know I'm picky. But if you have any suggestions please let me know. Time is running out! Thank you in advance!

EVs on Venusaur aren't right, also you can bring 6 so I will give you the advice to add 2 more

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