Pokémon Rate My Team
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This is my first deck I have attempted to make, and I am on a budget.

enter image description here
The basic idea is: Wipe out the enemy as fast as possible using the energy acceleration provided by Blastoise's deluge ability, that allows you to attach as many water energies as you want per turn. This will allow for a quick setup. Also, Xerneas' Geomancy, that attaches fairy energies to benched Pokemon, will prove useful in energy acceleration. The main thing I need help with is the trainer card section.

The whole deck revolves around using draw cards -- like Ultra Ball -- to get a Blastoise and water Energies out ASAP. I like to use Keldeo-EX as a sweeper with all those Water Energies, but Blastoise is good too.

Once again, this is my first deck and I am on a budget, but I do have a friend with a lot of different Trainer cards, so anything you suggest I can probably get, regarding Trainer cards.

I would also like to note that I went through a lot to get M Kangaskhan-EX, Keldeo-EX, and those Blastoise. I would prefer to keep them in my deck. I also have Victini-EX, Shaymin-EX, Darkrai-EX, and Black or White Kyreum-EX(Can't remember which one)

13 Pokemon

3 Blastoise
1 Wartortle(Rare Candies used)
3 Squirtle
2 Xerneas
1 Xerneas-EX
(Should I use mu suicune? the one that takes no damage form EX Pokemon)
1 Keldeo-EX
1 Kangaskhan-EX
1 M Kangaskhan-EX

35 Trainers

2 Rare Candy(For evolving into Blastoise)
3 Ultra Ball(For finding a Blastoise ASAP)
3 Shauna
2 Juniper
2 Energy Retrieval(For the energies discarded by Xerneas)
2 Eviolite/Hard Charm(Whichever one I can get)
3 Hypnotoxic Laser
2 Fairy Garden
Rock Guard(Ace Spec, I do not have Computer Search)
3 Professor's Letter
2 Lysandre
2 Muscle Band
2 Level Ball
1 Heavy Ball
2 Float Stone
1 Tool Scrapper
2 Cilan

12 Energy

6 Water Energy
4 Fairy Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy


Pokemon - 18
3 Blastoise
1 Wartortle
3 Squirtle
2 Xerneas
1 Xerneas-EX
1 Suicune
1 Keldeo-EX
1 Kangaskhan-EX
1 M Kangaskhan-EX
1 Aromastic
2 Spritzee

Trainers - 27
2 Rare Candy
3 Ultra Ball
3 Shauna
2 Super Rod
2 Hard Charm/Eviolite
1 Hypnotoxic Laser
2 Fairy Garden
1 Rock Guard
3 Professor’s Letter
1 Lysandre
1 Muscle Band
1 Level Ball
1 Heavy Ball
1 Float Stone
1 Tool Scrapper
2 Cilan

Energy - 15
8 Water Energy
5 Fairy Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy

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1 Answer

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That's not that good 35 trainers is WAY too much. get rid of 2 hypnotoxic lasor
2 Juniper 1 Float stone 2 Lysandre a level ball and muscle band. So 9 trainers are gone

Add 3 more fairy energy
Add 1 Suicune
Add 1 Aromastic
Add 3 Spiritzee
Add 1 Water Energy

Now its more balanced

16 Energy (Still low for an acceleration deck)
18 Pokémon
26 Trainers

4 spiritzee and 2 aromatisse isn't the best idea. i'd say remove one spiritzee and add a fairy energy. I would also recommend monotype if you are playing energy-acceleration as you are not very likely to get exactly the energies you want even with so many trainers.
Yeah i changed it to a monotype :)