Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hey all, wanted to try to get into the Doubles meta. Have been thinking of a team build, before i get done to too much breeding haha. This is what I have come up with so far.

Note: Charmander and Ghastly are bred yet not EV'ed yet. Greninja and Meowstic are done (was using them in singles/ messing around in doubles). This doesn't matter much though, I don't mind breeding. =)

Let's get down to business though;

-Charizard-Charizard Y (Still need the mega stone though, all I have is X)
252 SpAtt 252 Sp 4HP (?)
Heat Wave
Solar Beam

Charizard would be one of my leads if i don't see any of his counters, Lando Ttar. Protect to mega and heat wave away. Tail wind will help in speed ties for him and my other pokes, mainly greninja and gengar.

-Venusaur @Black Sludge
232 Hp 252 SpAtt 4 SpDef 20 Sp
Leech Seed
Sludge Bomb
Giga Drain
Protect/Synthesis (?)

Chloro is nice once Char sets up that sun. Can leech seed for chip damage and the black sludge for more healing. Also, if a poke tries to trick Venu, they will be taking damage from that sludge. The speed invest is to help outspeed other venusaurs. Not sure if i should run protect or synth though.

-Gengar @sash (?)
252 SpAtt 252 Sp 4Hp
Sludge Bomb

Not sure if there is something better to run than Sash, I'm up for any suggestions. Taunt to help against set up/stally pokes. Ghost typing for the fake outs. will-o to help against physical threats. and sludge bomb over a ghost more so normal typing doesn't wall him out. Always nice to have a poke that isn't effected by EQ as well.

-Greninja @life orb
252 SpAtt 252 Sp 4 Hp
Mat Block
Ice Beam
Scald (Hydropump?)
Dark Pulse

Greninja could be an ok pair with Gengar. Dark pulse to take care of the lack of a ghost move on him. Mat block for protection while Gengar needs to will-o a poke. Went with modest because of the tailwind from charizard. Not sure if I should run Hydropump instead of scald to hit bulkier pokes harder.

-Meowstic M @Leftovers
252 Hp 252 Def 4 SpAtt
Wide Guard

I feel like Meowstic can work well with Charizard. Can help against that rockslide that he fears. T-wave to cripple the pokes that i don't/can't Burn and swagger for those hax (sorry to anyone that despises this haha). Psy-strike to help take out physically Def pokes, Since my whole team thus far is Special.

6th Poke???

I have no idea guys. Was thinking maybe Bisharp for the defiant ability, knock off and physical aspect. Also maybe a garchomp for EQ/Rockslide. I assume I should have a physical poke here though, so any help would be great.

Thank you guys for taking the time to read through all this. I hope I did drag anything out too much yet still gave the info I needed to.

Looking forward to hear back from anyone and everyone. =)

Meowstic doesn't get Wide Guard or Psystrike... btw why do you want Meowstic? I mean, there are far better options out there.
Had a brain fart while righting this up. Definitely meant quick guard and psyshock. sorry about that haha.
Quick guard for those priority moves, and prankster is always nice. I am open to all suggestions for a support poke though. =)
Your whole team bar Charizard is walled to death by Steel-types, namely Ferrothorn and Bisharp. I would suggest either replacing someone or addding a Pokémon like Terrakion, Virizion or Landorus-T in the final slot.
I actually did decide on my 6th pokemon, Added LandoT to my team. Cookie cutter move set; 252 att 252 speed 4 hp choice scarf rock slide, EQ, U-turn, knock-off
Thank you for pointing that out though Astro, sorry for not updating till now.
I really like that Charizard-Venusaur combo, very good. And I'll try to do a full review on this team within the next couple days.
Give me a couple of hours to look at your team more closely and come up with something :)
That would be great thank you very much!  Sorry, just got home from work.

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