Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

I posted about this team approximately a week ago and got good feedback, and made some bold changes. However I am always looking for improvements.
Please respond. I am open to any criticism.
I have lots of experience with competitive battling, including VGC.

VGC team 2015
I am looking to win without the standard, common VGC team.

The team:

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Mega Charizard Y @ Charizardite-Y
Shiny: Yes
Ability: Blaze --> Drought
EV(s): 252 Spa, 252 Spe, 4 Def
Timid nature
Heat Wave
Solar Beam

The main mega of the team partners well with most of the others, with of further information in the overview. Overheat acts a nuke when Charizard is about to faint. With Charizard’s insane high Special Attack Stat + Drought + STAB + Overheats base 140 power =death to some Pokémon. Spamming Heat Waves is very effective for most Pokémon and solarbeam is used on types that resist Heat Wave. Very basic EV spread, allows it to out speed almost every Pokémon.

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Lucario @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 32 HP, 224 Attack, 100 Defense, 76 Special Defense, 76 Speed
Adamant Nature
Close Combat
Bullet Punch
Rock Slide
Ice Punch

Charizard’s preferred partner. A Heavy hitter in all aspects and an overall great Pokémon. I personally think the move set is very well suited for most scenarios. I have a EV set for this one, it is applicable to defend against the common threats in VGC such as Mega-Kang and his cronies, but also has the physical power to back up Charizard. This set also has the speed to out speed Adamant Talonflame and Max Speed Jolly Garchomp. He also has Bullet Punch to take care Sylveon. Description of his function is more in the overview.

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Hydreigon @ Choice Specs
Shiny: Yes
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 76 HP, 88 Defense, 252 Special Attack, 36 Special Defense, 56 Speed
Modest Nature
Earth Power
Dark Pulse
Draco Meteor
Heat Wave

Hydreigon, a shining light in a rather disappointing generation. Hydreigon has been a personal favorite for years and will be for years to come. However I am definitely considering adding a different dragon, most likely Salamance or Garchomp. He dishes out major damage with modest and choice specs however is OHKO by any STAB dragon or fairy move. I also went for Heat Wave because tiny amounts of spread damage can be crucial to winning a match, also it might the power up from drought.

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Feraligatr @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 32 HP, 252 Attack, 36 Defense, 72 Special Defense, 116 Speed
Adamant Nature
Ice Punch
Rock Slide

Never seen in VGC or the Metagame. Truly a great Pokémon in my opinion and it catches the opponent off guard, as they do not know what to expect. Feraligatr is far from frail with his good defenses, but hits like a truck with Adamant + Sheer Force + Life Orb and his pretty high attack base stat. Also because of Sheer Force he will not take Life Orb recoil. Pretty standard move set, all of which get the sheer force boost. Another custom EV spread that allows some good defense but can at least 2HKO almost any poke with that massive attack.

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Gardevoir @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Telepathy
EV: 132 HP, 156 Defense, 164 Special Attack, 56 Special Defense
Bold Nature
Moon Blast
Shadow Ball

Pairs very well with many of my Pokémon, especially with the ability Telepathy. With a custom EV set in order to tank hits from common VGC threats, and still be able to pack a punch. In my opinion, Fairy is an overpowered type, hitting 3 of the most common powerful types supper effectively, and also only being weak to Poison and Steel, two uncommon and offensively weak types. Anyways Gardevoir is a great Pokémon that preforms very well overall. Fairly standard move set to fill in the holes in my team. Also what would be a good item for Gardevoir, I'm already using the Specs and the Scarf; so as of now sitrus berry is being used.

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Mega-Aggron @ Aggronite
Shiny: Yes
Ability: Rock Head --> Filter
EV(s): 252 Special Defense, 252 HP, 4 Attack
Careful Nature
Head Smash
Iron Head

A lot of strategy is used when using Aggron or Mega Aggron. Usually Charizard will take the role as Mega on this team. However when a team is very opposing to Charizard I will use Mega Aggron. As a regular Aggron he has the ability Rock Head which allows him to use Head Smash at base 225 power without recoil. However if a sweeper is present, particularly a fighting or ground one, I will mega evolve in order to reduce the super effectiveness from 4x to 1.5x. Not to mention both forms tank hits like a boss. As far as I know, the only Pokémon that gets a guaranteed OHKO on Mega Aggron with this EV spread, that is relevant in VGC, is a Mega-Charizard Y’s overheat in the sun. No other hit can take him in one shot. The only down fall is, once Mega evolved my use of Head Smash is limited because of the loss of Rock Head. On the contrary though, one picks up the useful ability of Filter. Iron Head is STAB in both forms and deals great damage. Earthquake has great overall qualities and can be used with Charizard, Hydregion, and Gardevoir without hurting its allies. Head Smash is best used before Mega evolution but still hurts the opponent either way. Finally protect is very important and ensure the he gets the chance to Mega Evolve.

I usually lead with Mega-Charizard and Lucario. They form a core due to Charizard resisting all of Lucario’s weaknesses. Together they pack quite a punch when Charizard uses Heat Wave and Lucario uses Rock slide which strikes both opponents twice with two very strong moves. Also Lucario has Close Combat and Charizard has Solar Beam, which allows much type coverage, and both have very high base power. Also note that Solar Beam activates in one turn, Heat Wave and Overheat receive bonuses because of drought, which is Charizard’s ability. Lucario has Rock Slide to take care of opposing Charizards and Talonflames. He also carries Ice Punch, as many of the dragons are an immediate threat to my team. Mega-Aggron acts as an effective offensive wall. As stated previously he deals major damage as normal or Mega-Aggron. I believe in a best of three scenario having two megas functions very well. Gardevoir works well anywhere in the line up and offer very valuable types. Feraligatr usually takes up the rear to ensure that drought has dispersed so that his Waterfall is not weakened.

So that’s the team, I think it has pretty nice synergy, this team only has a record of 7-0, but a previous team which included the same Charizard and Feraligatr and also included Lucario and Hydreigon but they had slightly different move sets and had a record of 22-2. That team included Mow-Rotom and Aegislash, but they were removed this time around. If you wish to see the previous team, go back to my last post.

Overall I am open to suggestions about anything. Thank you for taking the time to look at my team and please answer. I am looking to win the world champion masters division this august with this team, and I need YOUR help to get there. If you are going to make changes make sure you are well versed in the topic. Thanks again!

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This is a pretty good team, good job! My VGC experience is rather limited; however, you seem to lack a counter for Tailwind teams in my opinion at least. Suicune doesn't fear anything on this team bar Char-Y's Solar Beam, and Breloom (common Tailwind sweeper) can be a problem when Charizard is off the field.

PS: that's a surprising Gardevoir o.o
So far the NB people have four things to say:

1 – Kudos for using Feraligatr.
2 – You need speed control.
3 – Aggron has to go.
4 – You have major Suicune and Breloom issues.

I'll be taking all of these into account for my answer, which I might not get around to until the weekend. Are you fine with the replacement of Aggron? I have a good idea in mind.
Haha it's all good. I'm glad the risk I took with Feraligatr worked out. Yeah any pokemon can go, I want the best team possible. Okay I'm curious name any Pokemon and I will begin breeding right away
I think mega-tyranitar could be useful though, as weather is an important factor, and my team is relatively sand friendly
Sorry, this has taken ages, but I should be able to rate your team today.

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

Alright, you said you're okay with big changes. I tried to keep as many of the original Pokémon as possible, but I think my changes will help it. This team has terrible matchups against some very common Pokémon in VGC, including, but not limited to: Landorus, Terrakion, Gastrodon, and any Wide Guard user (Aegislash, Swampert). I want to particularely focus on Landorus. He Absolutely destroys your team if you make the smallest misplay. There aren't enough characters to put in damage calcs, so here's your matchup Poké-by-Poké:

Charizard falls to Rock Slide before it can even move.
Lucario doesn't outspeed, cannot OHKO through Intimidate, then get beaten by Earthquake and Superpower.
Hydreigon hates Superpower and U-Turn, plus Lando can suvive a lot of his attacks.
Feraligatr is your best answer, but even he fears Intimidate and Intimidate shuffling.
Gardevoir gets chunked by U-Turn.
Aggron is beaten by Superpower and Earthquake, even with Filter, and cannot safely OHKO.

Overall, your team doesn't like Landorus. He hits 5/6 of your team supereffectively, and your only Ice-type attackers are crippled by Intimidate. Changes will be in bold.

Charizard@ Charizardite Y
Timid | Blaze
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Def
– Solar Beam
– Heat Wave
– Overheat
– Protect

I actuallt didn't change this Charizard. You could try the buky set that survives Rock Slide from Landorus and Terrakion, but you seem more hyper offence.

Lucario@ Focus Sash
Naive | Inner Focus
252 Spe / 252 Atk / 4 SpA
– Close Combat
– Bullet Punch
– Protect
– Hidden Power [Ice]

Ice Punch Lucario had to go. It simply could not compete with Landorus and Salamence due to Intimidate. Therefore, Hidden Power [Ice] is preferred. I tried to split the EVs so you had enough to OHKO 4/0 Landorus, but it turns out even max investment can't do that. So, the Scarf was changed to Focus Sash to make sure you could get off a Hidden Power. It also lets you safely duel with Terrakion and friends as well. With the Scarf gone, Protect replaces Rock Slide to keep Lucario alive.

Thundurus@ Sitrus Berry
Calm | Prankster
252 HP / 76 Def / 16 SpA / 120 SpD / 44 Spe
– Thunderbolt
– Thunder Wave
– Taunt
– Hidden Power [Ice]

Hydreigon was given the boot in favor of Thundy here. Your team lacked speed control and was pretty weak to redirection and Wide Guard, Will-o-Wisp and Thunder Wave. Thundurus brings all that and more to the table with Prankster. Thunderbolt improves your matchup against Rain and bulky Waters. HP Ice gives you an Intimidate-proof Lando and Mence check. Thunder Wave is the best speed control in the game. Taunt lets you stop the aforementioned threats to your team before they happen.

Feraligatr@ Life Orb
Adamant | Sheer Force
252 Atk / 32 HP / 36 Def / 72 SpD / 144 Spe
– Waterfall
– Ice Punch
– Rock Slide
– Protect

I didn't touch Feraligatr since he's really not bad. You could toy around with Dragon Dance since you have some speed investment, otherwise just watch out for Intimidate and WoW.

Sylveon@ Choice Specs
Modest | Pixilate
180 HP / 212 Def / 88 SpA / 28 Spe
– Hyper Voice
– Hidden Power [Ground]
– Shadow Ball
– Psyshock / Quick Attack

Bulky Sylveon new meta. Sitrus has now been consumed by Thundurus, so unfortunately Gardevoir lost some of its appeal. It also began stacking weaknesses, so I swapped her for Sylveon. This spread survives Kang's Double-Edge, Charizard's Overheat, Lando's Earthquake, and has a 50% chance to survive 252+ SpA LO Aegislash's Flash Cannon. Hyper Voice is a no-brainer. HP Ground handles Electic-types and Heatran. Shadow Ball takes care of weakened Aegislash and Mega Metagross. Finally, Psyshock hits Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss while Quick Attack picks off Sashed Pokémon.

Aegislash@ Weakness Policy
Quiet | Stance Change
252 SpA / 252 HP / 4 SpD
– Flash Cannon
– Shadow Ball
– Wide Guard
– King's Shield

Aggron was too much of a deadweight on this team. He just doesn't have the intimidation factor of Aegislash, plus he's a magnet for Heat Wave and Earthquake. Aegis here does a lot better at that. Flash Cannon deals with Fairies and the likes of Lapras. Shadow Ball handles Mega Gengar and Mega Metagross. King's Shield is a given. Wide Guard is what truly glues the team together. It blocks Rock Slide, Discharge, Earthquake, Heat Wave, Hyper Voice, and Icy Wind (but not Dark Void), making your opponents think twice about spamming Rock Slide on your Charizard.

I hope these changes weren't too much. I tried to improve the makeup and matchups of the team, and managed to repair some major holes. I hope these changes bring you success, and good luck!

P.S. I had to type this up really fast, so sorry for any spelling/grammatical errors.

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Thank you so much for the answer. I like many of the suggestions that you made. I considered Thundurus and Sylveon before, and interestingly enough I had Aegislash on this team instead of Aggron. Also wouldn't it be better to make my Lucario completely special so he doesn't have to EV spilt and have a defense lowering nature?
Lucario's so frail that it's not really worth it. I would suggest replacing him altogether, due to the weakness stacking, but I couldn't think of an adequate one. Also, he needs to be mixed in order to OHKO Kangaskhan. Choice Scarf is still a good item for Lucario and, in hindsight, may prove more useful than Focus Sash.
Still, PyrChomp wrecks this. xD
Anyways, have fun at Worlds! Good luck duking it out with Ray Rizzo, Se Jun Park, etc. for the championship!
Okay, how about someone like Mega-Kangaskan instead of Lucario. Yeah I am worried I'll get knocked out early by some of the big names in VGC! haha anyway thanks
To be honest the only bad thing about Lucario on this team is redundant yping and weakness stacking. You could try other Fighting-types like Virizion or AV Conkeldurr.
Okay I could do that.