Pokémon Rate My Team
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Edits in Bold

Hey everyone, I have a team I've put together for VGC play and I'd really love some input.

Here's the team:

Mega-Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Attack / 156 Speed - Changed to a bulkier spread
Ability: Scrappy
Nature: Adamant
- Fake Out
- Sucker Punch
- Power Up Punch
- Return

A pretty basic moveset for the most common mega in the metagame. I decided to start here since Kangaskhan can be effective on almost any team. I started building the team with her in mind, so every other partner here was meant to have synergy with it in some way. Fake Out has been great to allow a partner to take down a threat that outspeeds it. Power Up Punch has been great to deal with steal/dark types while getting to +2 at the same time. I like Sucker Punch (especially at +2) to get around things faster than it. Return is actually the move I've used the least, and I've considered switching to Double-Edge for more power. Changed to a bulkier spread to help it last longer. I'll use it less as a lead and more for mid to late game. I've considered swapping Protect for Fake Out...

Milotic @ Assault Vest
EVs: 148 HP / 172 Def / 132 SpA / 4 SpD / 52 Spe
Nature: Modest
Ability: Competitive
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Icy Wind
- Dragon Tail

Milotic is my Anti-Intimdate teammate, which can also lend potential burns with Scald. I had originally used Icy Wind, but felt that it was too weak and the speed control didn't seem to be helping much, so I switched to Ice beam. Due to the prevalence of Dragon, Flying, and Ground types, this thing has been an MVP for me (especially if given the chance to absorb an intimidate). Lots of changes here. Gave it Assault Vest and redid the EV spread. Also removed Protect/Recovery in favor of Icy Wind/Dragon Tail. I may switch one of those back out fro Hydro Pump too.

Sylveon @ Choice Specs
EVs: 188 HP / 68 Defense / 252 Special Attack
Ability: Pixilate
Nature: Modest
- Hyper Voice
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Moonblast

Sylveon is another member of the team that can end up an MVP pretty regularly. Pixilated, Choice Spec Hyper Voice hits extremely hard and has OHKO'd more times than I had expected. He's on the team to deal with the fighting type threats that give Kangaskhan nightmares, and has the added bonus of wiping out dragons in its sleep. The coverage moves are great when needed, but I end up using Hyper Voice 95% of the time/

Arcanine @ Leftovers
EVs: 212 HP / 108 Defense / 108 Special Def / 12 Attack / 68 Speed
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
- Snarl
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flare Blitz
- Extreme Speed

Arcanine has been a favorite Poke of mine since Gen 1, so I added him to the team to assist with Intimidates and Burns. I gave him a more defensive build to hopefully have those two options available throughout the duration of the match. Flare blitz is great for things like Ferrothorn and Mega-Mawile. Lastly, extreme speed has been a lifesaver at times during the finals turns of a match when I desperately need a KO on a weakened foe. Changed Morning Sun out for Snarl, and gave it Leftovers instead of Rocky Helmet. I'm also changing it from Impish to Adamant and redistributed EVs to a spread I found on Nugget Bridge.

Landorus-T @ Choice Band
EVs: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 HP
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Superpower
- U-Turn

This was switched out for Amoonguss, as I needed something with more offensive presence. I also desperately needed some rock/ground moves to help with a lot of threats to my team. Superpower seemed like it could be quite handy, and U-Turning into my Arcanine gives a nifty double intimidate (assuming Competitive/Defiant users are dealt with).

Thundurus @ Sitrus Berry
EVs: 252 HP / 116 Defense / 44 Special Attack / 68 Special Defense / 28 Speed
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Calm
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power Ice
- Taunt

Thundurus replaced Klefki as a Prankster user. With Thunder Wave it can do permanent speed control, and taunt can prevent things like Trick Room, Will-O-Wisp, and general setup moves. Having electric coverage on this team helps a lot and gives me a solid option against Charizard-Y. HP Ice has been a great second option to Milotic's Ice Beam.

edited by
Smogon is a poor resource for VGC. For example, your Arcanine is wasting EVs. I highly suggest Nugget Bridge as a place to get your information. I'll try and add more feedback later.
Thanks Astronautical! I wasn't really sure where good VGC sets would be, so I'd be very interested to hear more.
Really fun that you changed your spreads. But what does it survive/kill now?
EV Spread Reasoning:

OHKO's 12/36 Garchomp and any other basic 4x Ice weak target and outspeeds 4 speed ev Rotoms.
252+ Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Double-Edge vs. 148 HP / 172 Def Milotic: 163-193 (86.2 - 102.1%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO < - - strongest common physical attack in the meta just to illustrate how bulky this spread is.
252 Atk Life Orb Garchomp Earthquake vs. 148 HP / 172 Def Milotic: 83-99 (43.9 - 52.3%) -- 15.6% chance to 2HKO
252+ SpA Rotom-H Thunderbolt vs. 148 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Milotic: 84-98 (44.4 - 51.8%) -- 8.6% chance to 2HKO
252+ SpA Mega Sceptile Leaf Storm vs. 148 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Milotic: 146-174 (77.2 - 92%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (O.O)
Choice Specs Hydreigon's Dark Pulse and Draco Meteor combined do 99,9% damage with max damage rolls

The speed is to outspeed 4-ev neutral base 100's, as well as max investment neutral 70's, like Bisharp.
The HP is meant to maximize Leftovers recovery.
The defenses are designed to take a LOT of hits after leftovers recovery. 3HKO vs an intimidated Landorus Rock Slide, for instance, made only more durable by a successful Will-O-Wisp.

Went with what seemed to be a common bulky spread (Nugget Bridge), as I wanted it to last longer and keep the offensive pressure up. I had previously used 252Atk/252Spd and it just didn't last like I wanted it to. It also out-speeds max speed Smeargle.
Bulky Kang is best Kang :D

I like these new spreads, but I just want to point out that a few of your EV calcs for Milotic are "outdated". Try to ensure that your Ice Beam can take 44 HP Landorus-T instead of Garchomp, and likewise I would calc for Lando's Earthquake as opposed to Garchomp's. Other than that, good work!

EDIT: On top of that, try giving Landorus a Choice Band. It hits like a rocket-propelled truck, and gives you the jump on opponents who calc'd to survive attacks from Scarfed Landorus. You could give the Life Orb to Sylveon if you don't want two Choice-locked Pokémon.
Take Dragon Tail off of Milotic and replace it with either Hidden Power Ground or Grass. Phazing is pretty bad in VGC*, seeing as there is always 2 / 4 Pokémon of your opponent's team on the field, matches last a lot shorter, and after you get two KOs you won't have anything to phaze. The Hidden Powers let you take out either Electric- or Rock-types or other bulky Waters.

*The only real exception being Roar Terrakion. This is an extremely niche tech set designed to stop Trick Room 100% of the time if done right. While Roar has negative priority, it is still one bracket above Trick Room, meaning that a Pokémon can Roar out the TR setter before they can set up.
Thanks Astronautical. Which Hidden Power would be better on my team, grass? Also, what IVs would I need for 70 base power while maximizing overall stats? I've never bred for HP before...

1 Answer

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Well ... its a great team ...
But its a bit too weak to common threats...

★Zapdos .. It can thunderwave your average speed team if u do not bring klefki .. and even if u bring in klefki it will force you to safeguard the first turn and it can make u loose klefki ... if decide to fake out zappy in first turn remember that many zapdos carry rocky helm ... well I m saying from my experience.. lol ..

★ Aegislash ... Its a huge threat to your team ... It can make arcanine hit a Kings Shield.... lol .... that's bad. .. and the only usable move against it is sucker punch ..

★Talonflame... its can carry quick guard... and can outspeed kangaskhan and brave bird it ... umm ... a rock type or electric type is needed in your team...

★Tyranitar+Excadrill.... First turn protect and then they can deal with sylveon and kang or Milotic easily ... sandstorm would make tyranitar really bulky and power punch and scald would do less damage ... oh god my English isn't at all good... sorry for that..

★Landorus... your only hope is milotic ... hmm .... that's it ... u may not be able to bring in milotic in some cases... that's bad ...

★ Mega metagross... U do NOT have a ground type move ... that's insane man !! flare blitz or sucker punch isn't enough I guess...

★Breloom ... Can spore u ... and avoid rage powder...

OK ... now I can't think of anything else...

no wait !!!

★Gengar + Politoed+ Gothitell .... Perish trapper ..
. very bulky ... very very hard to deal with ....

now let's head on to improvements ....

Its VGC ! Very short battles...How many times do u expect to use morning sun or recover ??? Replace them with snarl and Icy wind
or if possible ...
use this set ...

Milotic @ Assault Vest
Ability: Competitive
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 28 Def / 148 SpA / 76 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
- Scald / Hydro Pump
- Icy Wind
- Ice Beam
- Dragon Tail / HP fire/ HP grass

and yes. . dragon tail .... u can phase and also purposely hit a kings shield for +2 sAtk .

and also get amongus a rocky helmet because u can retarget a contact move and make the opponent get recoil .... and regenerator can replace sitrus ..... if u Want to get something better.... use togekiss ...it has ground immunity and paraflinch and hold sitrus berry and can retarget grass types ...

I m not going to give togekiss set as there are a lot of varying sets...

and u can always use a defiant user like focus sash bisharp ....+1 sucker punch hurts landorus a lot ....

and u may also opt to use terrakion instead of klefki ... its rock type moves help a lot ....and close combat and quick guard are good too....

that's all I can write to help u becoz this phone's battery now almost over... hope I helped

Thanks for taking the time to post! I appreciate the feedback and will think through all this. I also acquired both a Landorus-T and a Thundurus. Would either of these fit well?
Yaa...thundurus can priority taunt Gengar+Politoed setup...and handle flying type threats too..so go for it...
not sure for landorus though...
Thanks again for the input. I've gone ahead and replaced Klefki with Thubdurus and will edit my post. I've been trying to figure out how to get some ground moves in somewhere, or something that counters several of the threats you listed above.

I also made some other edits that I'll try to change in my original post. Thanks again, and feel free to add any more input.