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If you have a good competitive moveset for Abra, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Abra Pokédex and learnset for reference.

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4 Answers

2 votes

Abra @ Twisted Spoon
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 4 HP
Modest Nature
- Psychic
- Energy Ball
- Dazzling Gleam
- Thunder Wave

This moveset is for Gen 8.
Psychic is STAB. Energy Ball is for coverage. Dazzling Gleam is for Dark-type coverage that may OHKO Abra in one hit. And Thunder Wave is for paralyzing. Use Thunder Wave, then use STAB Psychic on opponents. Abra has 105 base Special Attack, so Psychic will be super powerful.

1 vote

Here is a set I just made for my Abra for Doubles LC:

Abra @ Twisted Spoon
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 Atk / 248 Spe / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Magic Coat
- Knock Off
- Psychic Terrain
- Zen Headbutt

Magic Coat reflects any status conditions like Thunder Wave or Toxic back to the opponent. It works only on the turn it is used. Good for Toxic stallers and beats bringing in a Magic Bounce user.
Knock Off to knock off an opponent's item such as a Life Orb or Leftovers so their moves cannot be boosted or so they cannot restore HP each turn. Watch out for HP draining moves and annoying Aqua Ring.
Psychic Terrain boosts the power of Psychic type moves, so Zen Headbutt can be more powerful. I chose Zen Headbutt over Psychic because that move is too mainstream. Also, Zen Headbutt has the chance to make the opponent flinch.

Hope this helped! Saw there was only one answer since 8 years ago so this board needs some more answers :) Glad to help in advance. On a side note, this is a set for a supporter in Doubles LC. Not to be mixed for a bad set. I know its Attack stat is pretty bad, but It is enough to cause a foe to flinch and enough to knock off someone's item.

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Why would you use 252 sp atk evs and put an all physical set? Abra has literally no attack, and psychic is mainstream for a reason. -1
I edited my post so it now says Atk.  my bad, was really tired and stayed up late last night to make this set ill have to fix the evs on my abra.
I'm interested to see if this is viable, but Abra's horrendous attack stat might be a problem. With a max attack IVs and EVs, and an attack-boosting nature, an Abra would have 12 attack, still lower than its special attack by three points. To put it in perspective, a Golett with the same conditions would have 18 attack. It doesn't seem very good, but 6 points of a stat in Little Cup could make a very large difference.
This is pointless. The only use to Abra is its special attack. Its attack stat is 20. Popular moves are good moves.
1. Zen headbutt is never going to be worth the pitiful damage, 20% chance is so unreliable
2. Magic coat isn’t too useful in doubles, since status isn’t as commonly used in doubkes, plus if you think a Pokemon will use status on abra, it can usually just kill that Pokemon before it gets the chance to.
3. Setting up psychic terrain usually isn’t worth a whole turn
4. Life orb outclasses twisted spoon since life orb damage is blocked by magic guard
5. Knock off isn’t too useful on a Pokemon that usually kills most things in two hits anyways, the item removal isn’t as useful when games take about five turns, dazzling gleam or protect will be more useful in doubles
1 vote

Abra represents my favourite attacking style: the Special Glass Cannon. I really like it, so here's a moveset.

Abra @ Spooky Plate / Pixie Plate / Silk Scarf
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
Modest / Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Energy Ball
- Shadow Ball
- Tri Attack / Dazzling Gleam

First, I picked Magic Guard as its Ability because one, a single Toxic could spell the end, and two, Inner Focus and Synchronize simply aren't useful on such a fragile Pokemon. Modest and Timid natures both lower Attack, and raise Special Attack and Speed respectively. Both are useful to Abra, while Attack is completely useless. The EV spread boosts Special Attack and Speed, Abra's most important stats. Ordinarily, I would invest the others in HP, but Abra's HP is so bad that it simply wouldn't be worthwhile to boost. Instead, Abra has decent Special Defense, so it would be the next best thing. As for the moves, Psychic is Abra's best STAB move. Shadow Ball is excellent Ghost coverage. Energy Ball is an all-around good move that can lower special defense. Tri Attack and Dazzling Gleam are both solid moves, Tri Attack has a better secondary effect, but Dazzling Gleam provides Dragon and Dark coverage. Take your pick. As for the items, the Spooky Plate boosts one coverage move, and the Silk Scarf or Pixie Plate will give coverage for the other 80 base power one. Energy Ball doesn't need a boost, since it has 90 base power and the others have 80.

All of those items are outclassed by life orb, magic guard blocks life orb damage
0 votes

Abra @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 36 Atk / 236 SpA / 196 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Fire Punch / Submission
- Protect / Energy Ball / Submission / Thunder Wave / Counter

Abra is an excellent Life Orb user since it takes no damage from the item thanks to Magic Guard, and it allows Abra to run an effective mixed set. Psychic is your main STAB, with Dazzling Gleam support to cover your weaknesses to Dark. Now there’s about twelve other unique tech and coverage options, but Fire Punch and Submission are far and away the most helpful, ensuring you cannot be walled by Ferroseed/Pawniard, and you probably want to run both. The other coverage and tech moves are useable, if not nearly as highly recommended.
