Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

You upvote an interesting question, and your upvotes given out total is 20, but the asker finds that it was a dupe and hides it.
-your upvotes given out go to 19?
-your upvotes given out stay at 20?

You get BA on a question by answering quickly and not knowing it was already asked, making your total BAs 10 and total answers 20, but later a mod finds out it was a dupe question and hides it.
-your BA count go to 9 and answer count go to 19?
-your BA and answer count stay the same (10 and 20)?

Just wondering, since I can't seem to find two or three of my answers.



1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer

Everything stays unless the post is deleted, at that point even the mods can't see it.

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