Meta-PokéBase Q&A
9 votes

About a few hours ago, I drafted an extra long RMT answer. However, I couldn't post it because of the character cap of 8000. I desperately flailed about deleting words from it, but then gave up and divided it into two. I'm not against the character limit; but this can be made a lot more convenient if a count of words could be added to see just how much higher than 8000 am I.

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Do you mean character count? I think the cutoff is 8000 characters, not words. +1

Also bringing up the classic suggestion to just increase the character count to something like 12000 on the RMT.
I've suggested this before, though it seems to have been hidden. It was ages ago anyway so I don't care.  Good suggestion anyway, it needs new light.
Oooh I love this.
Love this, though it probably won't happen.

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