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And No, I do not need an HM slave. I just re-started SS and I want a Normal type
and I was thinking to Raticate or Furret take in account both Movepool and stats.
Thank you in advance!

FURRET by far!
I would answer EE, but I don't have an answer with stats
Whynaut miltank? Or snorlax?
Why not Fearow?

3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Raticate has a Base Stat Total of 413
Furret has a Base Stat Total of 415

The difference is not big.I would go with Furret
1. It has a good movepool,good stats and It learns 5 HMs
2. It can learn Normal,Dark and Psychic moves during leveling up.
3. Its Defenses may be low but it has a good Speed and nice Attack Stat.
4. It can learn a Big Variety of tutor moves, such as Aqua Tail, Fire Punch,Ice Punch, Thunder Punch.It can learn a lot of TM moves, such as Brick Break, Facade,Shadow Claw and even Giga Impact.
5. It is better than Raticate beacuse : it is quick and likes to chase RATTATA. (SS pokedex entry :P)

So yeah. Furret it is

enter image description here

selected by
1 vote


Abillity: Keen Eye

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

Ice Beam
Hyper Voice
Shadow ball

This is in-game XD I can't get EV's and stuff!
i´ll change that xD
Why down vote?
Thank you,
Well because I JUST started SS XD
0 votes

I would have to say Raticate for this one Sense Raticate is faster and hits harder on the physical side then furret and with the early hyper fang it really brings the hurt!
