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Bug/steel/ghost (with flash fire)
Bug/steel/psychic (with flash fire)
Poison/steel/dragon (with levitate)
Steel/Dragon/Flying is the only one that has no weaknesses.
Steel/Dragon is weakn to Fighting and Ground, and Flying resists both.
Steel/Flying is weakn to Fire and Electric, and Dragon resists both
Dragon/Flying is weakn to Ice, Rock, Fairy, and Dragon, and Steel resists all of those.
If Pokemon had 3 types, maybe there could be a Stee/Dragon/Flying Mega Skarmory design. (Or maybe a Mega Duraludon where they make it able to fly, like what they did with Mega Pinsir!)

Steel/Dragon/Fairy and Electric/Steel/Flying come pretty close, with only 1 weakness. (Steel/Dragon/Fairy to Ground, and Electric/Steel/Flying to Fire).

The worst triple type combination is Bug/Grass/Ice, due to the 8x weakness to Fire, followed by Normal/Rock/Ice with an 8x weakness to Fighting.
Dark/Ghost/Normal is still weak to Fairy.
Dark/Ghost/Electric with Levitate is still weak to Fairy.
Flying/Ground/Water with Sap Sipper is still weak to Ice. You have to give it a Steel type in addition for it to have no weaknesses.
Bug/Steel/Ghost and Bug/Steel/Psychic with Flash Fire are both weak to both Ghost and Dark.
GlowstoneLove they wrote that before fairy
It's still a relevant information update though so it's fine. But for future reference, look at the date

2 Answers

6 votes
Best answer

The only invincible triple type without the help of an ability is Ghost/Dark/Normal

x2 Ghost (x1 with Dark, x0 with Normal)
x2 Dark (x1 with Dark)
x0.5 Poison
x0.5 Bug
x0 Normal
x0 Fight (x0 Normal's weakness)

x2 Fight (x1 with Ghost)
x2 Bug (x1 with Ghost)
x0.5 Ghost (x1 Ghost's Weakness)
x0.5 Dark (x1 Ghost's Weakness)
x0 Psychic

x2 Fighting (x0 with Ghost)
x0 Ghost (x0 Ghost's Weakness)

There are plenty more that can work with the ability Levitate. But that's probably the only one that helps no weaknesses without an ability. :)

selected by
Whoa! 0.0 +1 its just... whoa! awesome! :D
Lol, thanks. xD
Nowadays, with Fairy being a type. a Normal/Ghost/Dark type would be immune to Normal, Fighting, Psychic, and Ghost;
resist Poison; and be weak to Fairy.
Dragon+Steel+Flying as well
That would be weak to Ice.
0 votes

I saw answers with abilities that give immunities, but didn't like them because it felt like cheating, so I found a solution that doesn't require an immune ability.

Bug/Steel/Dragon with Thick Fat.

