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I always catch a flying-type as my first Pokémon, but in SoulSilver there are too many at the start e.g. Pidgey, Hoothoot, Zubat, please compare these and tell me which is the best for whichever stats and I will choose which one will suit me the most. Thanks.

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1 Answer

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Pidgey and Hoothoot are not the worst birds ever but there are much better flying types. There are 2 that I recommend:

1. Zubat-Golbat-Crobat

After Zubat has evolved into Crobat (it's last evolution) it is a very handy Pokémon.

  • With Mean look it can trap the roaming legendaries such as Raikou, Entei, Suicune and Latias/Latios (respectively)
  • With confuse ray it can cause a whole lot of trouble for foes
  • Not to forget it can handle the 2,3 (with bite),4 gym with ease due to it's great typing


Togekiss is a very good Pokémon and very bulky aswell. You can get togekiss by evolving togetic with a shiny stone. Togepi evolves into Togetic with high friendship.

With it's great bulk and special attack it can bring you through the game with ease

I personally recommend Zubat but choose the one you like best and need

Fast and offensive: Zubat(Crobat)
Bulky and helpful Togepi(Togekiss)

Hope this helped
