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6 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Yveltal, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Yveltal Pokédex and learnset for reference.

Yveltal sprite

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41 Answers

6 votes

Yveltal is so cool ! I love it. I'm gonna buy Pokémon Y at christmas time so it's my gift after all my efforts at school, if ya all understand.

Yveltal: The Destruction Pokémon.
The Physical Variant:
Yveltal @ Choice Scarf:
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 252 Ark / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide / Dragon Rush
- Phantom Force / Steel Wing
- Foul Play / Sucker Punch
- Acrobatics / U-Turn / Sky Attack

This guy has a lot of possibilities to run in a physical set. It's gonna be Uber for sure. The first move is up to you: If you want a check against Ice, then Rock Slide may satisfy you. Yveltal must be able to outspeed other Scarf users in Ubers as Reshiram, that's why you have Dragon Rush, which also has a very good power, but an unreliable accuracy.

Phantom Force is kinda a Shadow Force with more PP and less power, but not only it has a decent 90 basepower but also it has the ability to hurt for indeed admirable damage Giratina, which is quite common in Ubers as a phazer. On the other hand, Steel Wing inflicts decent damage and offers a check against Xerneas's fairy type, which is useful. Foul Play may use Zekrom and Rayquaza's respective honorable attack against themselves with a very nice 95 base, while Sucker Punch can receive a priority boost if well used, against a choice user, to finish it.

Ah! Yveltal has so much options! It's gonna be mine! It has the ability not to be deja vu, it has an admirable speed with a great offensive. It also has a pretty nice bulk. Acrobatics can be used with a Flying Gem, and thus hits for nasty damage against the foe, while Sky Attack benefits a power boost but for a 2 turns-attacking move. U-Turn can be used to scout and has a nice basepower.

My Advices:

  • I would use Steel Wing on a special set using Big Root for Oblivion Wing, because without it, if Yveltal won't learn Sludge Bomb, Xerneas will enjoy to destroy the destruction.
  • Shadow Ball can be used, but it provides the same exact coverage as it's inferior: Dark Pulse.
  • U-Turn can be used in a mixed variant with Foul Play so that Yveltal can scout and won't find too much problems to do.
  • Yveltal can be used in a team with a Pokémon that has Hidden Power [Dark] to get a maximum use of Dark Aura in a double battle.
  • Yveltal can make a use of any other item than Choice Scarf, but the Scarf is mainly here to assure some more speed that Yveltal may need.
  • Yveltal combines amazingly well with Greninja, which both are my favorite this gen alongside Heliolisk: Greninja has Dark Pulse which gets a boost of Dark Aura, but careful against fairies.

    Hope I helped!

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Please separate your movesets.
Oh well. OK, Boss!
Nice moveset
I think Oblivion Wing needs to be added because it is stronger or by Acrobatics and the ability to heal
5 votes



Yveltal @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 248 HP / 196 Def / 64 Spe
Bold Nature
- Foul Play
- Taunt
- Roost
- Toxic

This Yveltal set is designed to take on some of the most prominent physical attackers of the Uber metagame. It's access to a faster-than-normal speed stat of 99 makes it the optimal Pokemon for creeping and with access to incredible utility moves like Taunt, Toxic, Foul Play and Roost it can do hefty damage to both physical attackers and stall. With instant recovery in the form of Roost, Yveltal can run Rocky Helmet, which can be hugely advantageous when facing down opposing EKiller who aren't quite OHKO'd by Foul Play. Taunt + Toxic shuts down every stall Pokemon ever to crawl around, while also severally crippling shaky set-up sweepers. This Pokemon is so amazing, it doesn't even fear Chickens or Ponies (that's blaziken and Arceus-Normal you noobs...).

For anyone reading this in the future, don't believe the comment above me -- this is an amazing moveset especially in the Gen 7 Ubers and AG tiers.
It is not an amazing moveset and is, usually, outclassed by Arceus-Dark in USM AG. Uber's needs role compression, especially with Arceus and a Gengar and Necrozma-DM check, so Yveltal is arguably better there. Saying the set is amazing is not justifiable.

Why did you feel the need to comment that? Even if its good in just Ubers, that's enough to disregard the comment saying it isn't good.
That’s true, glad you got it. Physically defensive Yveltal, with that speed, and as a whole too, isn’t good.
Ah yeah, this was before Primals and Gen 7 existed so the speed isn't the best for today's standards.
4 votes

Yveltal @ Life Orb
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 32 Atk / 224 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Oblivion Wing
- Dark Pulse
- Steel Wing / Focus Blast

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Thx fizz u cool
Nice! Why no one runs heat wave on Yveltal.
3 votes

Yveltal @ Choice Specs
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Hurricane
- Dark Pulse
- Focus Blast
- U-turn / Oblivion Wing

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Nah focus blast and hurricane are unreliable
I agree with ItzYaboiGreensheep.
 I would stick with Oblivion wing for good flying type STAB
Oblivion Wing also heals Yveltal. Maybe replace Hurricane with Steel Wing.
Actually, for me, Sky Attack is better than Hurricane.
Why naive nature? U-Turn is for momentum IDC for it's damage just run timid. Also hurricane is trash when you have oblivion wing you can use heat wave for reliability since focus blast is just liability. Sky attack and steel wing are terrible moves due to 2-turn effect and trash power.
3 votes

Yveltal @ Life Orb
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 44 HP / 212 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
- Substitute
- Dark Pulse
- Focus Blast
- Oblivion Wing

This is an unspoken monster in Ubers, where it completely dominates. Seeing that most Yveltal's run the usual Specs / Scarf set, this takes a different approach at killing everything off. The EV spread grants this monster the ability to make 101 Substitutes, thus making it take 2 turns for that annoying Chansey/Blissey to break it. The rest is thrown into speed and special attack, to obtain maximum speed and only losing about 11 or 12 SAtk points. Dark Pulse and Oblivion wing just destroy the whole tier, while Focus Blast is there to take out threats such as Ferrothorn, who can pose a problem with Hazards stacking for teammates. One can also opt for a Hasty or Mild Nature, and just run Rock Slide > Focus Blast for Ho-Oh, but that takes some very needed bulk.

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3 votes


Yveltal @ Life Orb
Ability:Dark Aura
EVs: 32 Atk / 252 SpA / 224 Spe
Mild Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Sucker Punch
- Oblivion Wing
- Focus Blast / Roost

Dark Aura is a great Ability. It increases Dark Pulse's Base Power from an iffy base 80 to a much more impressive 106, and slightly more. Yveltal may not have the best Sp. Attack for a BST 680 Uber, but having a main STAB Attack that would make a Special Earthquake look bad certainly helps.

However, one of Yveltal's mains strengths by far is its Sucker Punch. This time, I like to think of Dark Aura as a Boost to Attack as apposed to Base Power. So, with the given Attack EVs, Yveltal has just 306 Attack, but with Dark Aura, Yveltal has the equivalent of a much more impressive 408 Attack. And with an 80 BP STAB, with the boost of a Life Orb, Yveltal's Sucker Punch is one of the strongest priority moves in the game, and you honestly will be losing out if you choose not to run it. It also greatly lessens the overall need to be fast and quite simply makes Yveltal much more useful.

Speaking of Speed, the given EVs let Yveltal outrun Pokemon with a Base Speed of 95 or lower with a neutral Nature. You can run Hasty over Mild if you really want, but due to Yveltal's odd base speed there's virtually no reason whatsoever to increase the speed EVs. As a Mixed Attacker, a Defense lowering Nature is preferred over SpD, due to the fact that Yveltal's typing is slightly better at switching in to Special attacks (it also loses slightly fewer points).

Next, Oblivion Wing acts as secondary STAB and covers Fighting Types. IMO Oblivion Wing is simply better than Hurricane. his is because of two reasons: 1) Outside of Rain, Hurricane is weaker on average, at 77 Base Power, not to mention that its accuracy will annoy you to hell and back 2) Oblivion Wing also has a vastly superior side effect that greatly improves its tanking Ability. Whenever something outspeeds it, that it cannot OHKO outright, Yveltal can use Oblivion Wing to greatly minimize the overall damage and then potentially follow up with Sucker Punch to achieve the KO.

For this very reason Dark Pulse already is not always the best move to use, even though it's much more powerful, and Hurricane is pretty comparable to Dark Pulse in that regard. Even with Rain support, Hurricane is still very questionable over Oblivion wing. Focus Blast is a bit of a luxury move; while there are a handful of things that Yveltal needs Focus Blast for, coverage-wise, it also tends to be useful for its ability to simply hit things Super Effectively. It's nice to quickly remove the Normal, Steel, and Dark Types and make the game just a little bit easier.

Of course, you cannot be blamed for running Roost Instead, though Oblivion Wing helps for recovery.

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Nice pic man
Man you typed so longg. Very nice work though. I'm impressed!
3 votes

Yveltal @ Weakness policy
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Oblivion Wing
- Dark Pulse
- Psychic (Coverage) / Focus Blast(Coverage but you have to risk a miss) / Roost (if you think Oblivion Wing isn't enough recovery)

The purpose of this set is to get a Substitute up,get hit with a super effective move,let the weakness policy activate through the substitute,and just sweep after that.
If the opponent is faster then you it's not that much of a problem because Yveltal still has good natural bulk on his own.

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3 votes

Yveltal @ Life Orb
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Mild Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Dark Pulse
- Oblivion Wing
- Heat Wave

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Since you already have Oblivion Wing, I’d suggest replacing Roost with Heat Wave or Focus Blast
2 votes

Yvetal @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hurricane
- Focus Blast
- Dark Pulse
- Shadow Ball / Psychic

Maybe that subpar speed can be helped with a scarf. This can be used as either a normal sweeper or a rain sweeper for Hurricane spam.

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It's speed was nice till zacian, zamazenta, eternatus, ultra necrozma and it's fellow nemesis xerneas came into picture. Yeah specs calyrex-shadow dead!
This was answered in 2013 where none of these existed except Xerneas.
2 votes

NatDex AG
AV Yveltal: Dyna Sweeper + SpD Wall Combined in One.

Yveltal @ Assault Vest
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 124 HP / 252 SpA / 132 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hidden Power [Poison]
- Oblivion Wing
- Heat Wave
- Dark Pulse

  • 132 Spe EVs with a Timid Nature ensures that after a Max Airstream, You Outspeed Everything Up to Caly-S.
    252 SpA To Maximize Damage Output and Rest in HP.
  • Appreciates Teammates that Can Deal with SDef DarkCeus/CM Arc Formes/SDef Yveltal/GeoXern/Zacian-Crowned/Chansey and Blissey as its a complete setup fodder for the Former and Walled Indefinitely by the Latter two.
  • Not Opting for Boots means Rocks will be annoying for this Yveltal so Defoggers Such as Ho-Oh is a Must.
  • LO Yveltal Running Rock Slide is a Headache, So Make Sure to Waste their Dmax Turns first.
  • Quite Weak to Stall Teams, So Teammates that can Deal with those teams is not a bad idea.
  • Not Running Max Spe means you will almost always lose the battle 1V1 between LO Yveltal in Dmax, Or will Come out Heavily Weakened. So make Sure to Not Wrecklessly Dmax it if Its still needed to Check Caly-S.
  • Refrain From Using HP [Poison] when the Foe is still Dmax or if its still not weak enough as It can Cost you Yveltal.

Good Teammates:

  • Baton Pass Caly-S: Yveltal definitely Appreciates Caly-S Passing all its Boost to it, Removing its Dependence to HP [Poison] to hit Hard. Caly-S with Sub/Baton Pass/Astral/Filler with Ghostium-Z not only Assist Yveltal, It also gives the team a way to bring in a teammate like GeoXern/Zacian-C safely because it always lures in Yveltal/DarkCeus and Ho-Oh While Being able To Nuke Foes that can Eat An Astral Barrage if Healthy such as Pdon/Zacian-C/Support Arc Formes not Named DarkCeus/Ho-Oh after Astral + Some Chip/Zygarde etc.
  • GeoXern/Zacian-C: Lacking Immediate Power and its ability to lure in SpD DarkCeus/SpD Yveltal/Ho-Oh/Chansey or Blissey means it has great synergy with with Zac-C/GeoXern as both this two can break everything that Walls Yveltal Apart from the Pink Blobs in Xern's Case and Ho-Oh in Both if Healthy.
  • Ho-Oh: Self Explanatory, Acts a Backup Check to Caly-S and Plays the Role of A Defogger. A Set running Twave is also Appreciated by Yveltal, As well As Whirlwind to Phaze CM Arc Formes that might Try to Use it as Setup Fodder.
  • StallBreakers: Being Weak to Stall Teams Means It Appreciates Support From the Likes Of Gothitelle/Perish Trapper Arc Formes to get rid of their Defensive Cores.Also Useful for Disposing Chansey/Blissey
  • Ditto: Attracting GeoXern and Being a Complete Setup Fodder Means it Appreciates A Reliable Counterplay To Xerneas. Ditto Does it Very well, It Fails to Revenge Kill a Xern still Capable of Dmax Though.

Lastly, +1 Oblivion Wing/Heat Wave/Dark Pulse is still not Enough to Score an OHKO or at worst, 2HKO on a Healthy Zac-C/Mray/Support Arc Formes so make sure to Keep rocks up and Pressure them.

Hope You Have Fun using This.
Have A Good Day.

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1 vote

Yveltal @ Life Orb
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 56 Atk / 200 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Dark Pulse
- Oblivion Wing / Hurricane
- U-turn / Focus Blast / Roost

Hmm. Rather disappointing movepool. Dark/Flying typing is not the end of the world, but it doesn't give very good coverage. Hurricane or Oblivion Wing depending if you want to use it in rain. If you choose to use it in rain, go for Roost to replenish Life Orb drain. Steel Wing is also an option to cover Fairy weakness, but at base 70 and 90% accuracy, I think Yveltal has better things to do than use Steel Wing.

I don't think Focus Blast is really that needed anymore considering that Steel no longer resists Dark. Focus Blast will still do more damage to a steel type that doesn't resist Fighting, but at least Dark Pulse is 100% accurate.

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I would've done Oblivion wing/Roost due to them both healing.

Just my opinion but if you're going to use Oblivion wing try using a Big root.
1 vote

Hmmm... Not a bad typing, looks awesome. Let's begin

Yveltal @ Choice Band / Choice Scarf
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 SpD
Jolly Nature
- U-turn (Great scouting)
- Foul play /Sucker punch (Priority or power)
- Phantom force/ Shadow claw (you decide)
- Dragon Rush / Steel Wing (Dragons or Fairies)

Yveltal @ Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 120 HP / 252 SpA / 136 SpD
Timid Nature
- Oblivion wing (Healing, STAB)
- Dark pulse (Flinch, STAB)
- Focus blast (coverage against rock etc.)
- Psychic (coverage)

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Why no held item?
My Yveltal is Timid so I gave it (lv50 stats) 165spatk, 166spd
Oblivion wing
Dark pulse
Focus blast
1 vote

The Special Variant:
Yveltal @ Choice Scarf:
Ability: Dark Aura
EV: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Focus Blast
- Oblivion Wing
- Psychic

Unfortunately, Yveltal's Special set is more limited. It can use maximum 6 strong special attack, here are your 4 best: Dark Pulse provides a deadly STAB with Dark Aura and the EV spread, leading to some massive damage for one use + 20% flinch chance. Focus Blast has a respectable 120 base power alongside 70% of accuracy and misses sometimes, but usually it hits hard for some amazing damage, and provides a check against both Rock and Ice, which Yveltal dislikes. Oblivion Wing is a recovery STAB form for my beloved bird, and not only will recover most of the HP it did, meanwhile, 75% I guess, 87.5 % with a Big Root, but also being a STAB means you inflict more, and recover more, especially against a weakened treat. Finally, Psychic is some nice damage and is quite the threat against Fighting Pokémon.

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Dark pulse only has a 20% flinch rate...  -.-
1 vote

Yveltal @ Flying Gem
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Acrobatics
- Steel Wing
- Sucker Punch
- Hone Claws

Acrobatics and Sucker Punch for great STAB, and Steel Wing for coverage against Ice, Rock and Fairy. Use Hone Claws for higher accuracy on Steel Wing, and the general Attack buff.

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If you want Yveltal to last long enough to be able to use Hone Claws, give him HP EVs instead of Sppeed ones.
1 vote

Yveltal @ Life Orb
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Serious Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Oblivion Wing
- Hidden Power [Steel]
- Toxic

Dark Pulse (Good STAB move, boosted by Dark Aura and has 20% Flinch)

Oblivion Wing (Good STAB, restores HP for Life Orb loss)

Hidden Power [Steel] (Not very good power but everybody hates Fairy types)

Toxic (Well....it's Toxic)

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1 vote

Yveltal @ Life Orb/Big Root
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Oblivion Wing
- Focus Blast
- Dragon Rush

Dark Pulse is STAB Dark Aura power, Oblivion Wing for STAB recovery while attacking, Focus Blast is powerful coverage, and Dragon Rush to deal with dragons. Unfortunately, he can't learn an ice type move or special dragon move to use instead, so that's the dragon coverage you have. Not really terrible, but his moves really lack coverage of much quality.

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HP ice? HP Dragon?
1 vote


Yveltal @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature / Mild Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Hurricane
- Knock Off
- U-turn

Dark Pulse for STAB, boosted by Dark Aura
Hurricane for power or Oblivion Wing for healing and reliability. Won't be achieving the same KO's as Hurricane though.
Knock Off is a new toy its received through the ORAS move tutors and removes items from opposing Pokemon. Even with the attack minus nature (if using Modest) it still has good power backed up by STAB and Dark Aura.
U-Turn is a great move on Choice Scarfer's and is there to scout and for chip damage.

Other options include Hyper Voice which hits through Substitute, Heat Wave or Focus Blast for a stronger hit on Steel types and Foul Play for a strong hit against physical attackers.

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1 vote

enter image description here
Yveltal @Life Orb
Ability: Dark aura
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA /252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Oblivion Wing
- Dark Pulse
- Focus blast
- U-turn

Oblivion Wing - recovers HP from Life Orb and attacks
Dark Pulse - boosted power from Dark Aura ability
Focus blast - for rock and ice types - really powerful.
U-turn - to switch out on a dark type as the moves are boosted for everyone on the field.

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1 vote

Yveltal @ Assault Vest
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Mild Nature
- Foul Play
- Air Slash
- Dragon Claw
- Roost

Foul Play STAB
Air Slash STAB better accuracy than Hurricane
Dragon Claw Coverage
Roost health recovery

Ok so I didn't want to run Choice Specs Because your opponent could easily switch into Blaziken and then your dead unless you switch so here is my explanation of this moveset

Foul Play is good against Pokemon that's attack stat is super high and STAB
Air Slash STAB Chance to flinch
Dragon Claw is coverage
Roost is health recovery

Hope this helps! : )

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lol I am so bad at this going to post another set
lol dude Blaziken isn’t in Uber’s
You can have at max 510 EVs
nvm speed boost blaziken is in uber but blaziken can not tank a hit from a choice specs stab dark pulse
1 vote


Yveltal @ Life Orb / Choice Scarf
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 48 Atk / 248 SpA / 212 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Oblivion Wing
- Focus Blast
- Dark Pulse
- Sucker Punch / U-Turn

Yveltal is, not gonna lie, my favorite Pokémon. With good HP, Attack, and Special Attack and pretty good Defense and Special Defense, it can play a lot of roles. My personal favorite is a Special set with Sucker Punch to take down faster threats. Another favorite of mine is very similar, but it replaces a Life Orb for a Choice Scarf, with U-Turn instead of Sucker Punch.

With a Choice Scarf, it’s pretty fast. 48 Attack insures good damage with Sucker Punch, but if you decide to run U-Turn and a Scarf, it’s recommended those EVs go into Speed, HP, and SpAtk. The set is pretty simple, and it covers a lot. Oblivion Wing is STAB that heals LO damage, if you’re using a LO.

Focus Blast nails Ice, Steel, and Rock types. Dark Pulse is STAB with a flinch chance, which is nice. Sucker Punch and U-Turn depend on the item, I’d go with Sucker Punch for priority if you’re running an LO set, and U-Turn for pivoting on the Choice Scarf set.

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