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I was wondering if it is possible to super train a level one to get perfect EVs.
E.G. super train a level 1 to get a perfect attack stat.

So, would it be possible?


1 Answer

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Yes, it is possible to do this. Pokemon of all levels are able to participate in Super Training. However, you should note the following things before doing it:

  • The amount of damage, accuracy, etc. with the soccer balls your Pokemon throws it determined by its stats. Since a level 1's stats are so tiny, the training session will be very tedious and repetitive, and you will probably fail the harder regimens altogether.
  • You can max out its stats at level 1, but really it isn't worth doing. If you could level up the Pokemon to a higher level and get decent stats, regimens will be easier and less repetitive to play.
    And besides, because of the way EVs work at level 1, you would ness a ridiculous amount of EVs to get just one stat point. Of course this translates to the normal number at level 100, but it still doesn't make the regimens any less boring.

Learnt the first one the hard way. :/

but even if you went through with all the challenges or just did the training bags, is it possible to get a completely perfect EV set on a level 1?
Only EVs determine how much damage you do in Super Training. Once I was using my level 1 252 Special Attack Jolteon, and I did 400 damage on the Balloon Bot. So your answer is partly incorrect-

"The amount of damage, accuracy, etc. with the soccer balls your Pokemon throws it determined by its stats. Since a level 1's stats are so tiny, the training session will be very tedious and repetitive, and you will probably fail the harder regimens altogether." This part is wrong. And it is worth maxing the stats at level 1. If you have all the TMs/moves you need for that Pokemon, you don't need to level it up. While battling, all Pokemon are level 50(competitive battling).
**Yes,** any Pokemon can get Perfect EVs. You can Super Train a level 1 Pokemon. But make sure you use has at least 20 EVs in the attack stat required and 20 speed EVs.
Nah you're wrong. While battling, all Pokemon are level 50 if their actual level is equal OR ABOVE Level 50. If it is below in actuality, it remains that level.
I think.
Oh and I converted because I saw nothing your answer gave that Fizz didn't already have.
@BlazetheDelphox: Yes, definitely, as I said in my answer. It is just annoyingly repetitive.
@gau222: According to my experiences, you are incorrect as well. The EVs I earned made no difference. However, I was testing it with weak  first-form Pokemon like Flectchling, so possibly it's determined by base stats, not the actual stat or EVs.
Also, Semp is correct, the level 50 thing you mentioned is wrong. Besides, the asker said nothing about competitive, so I don't see how that was relevant anyway.
I answer everything based on experience or a reliable source such as Smogon or Bulbapedia (whose reliability is up for debate, but whatever).