Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Several people have commented on my questions (and other people's questions) what should be an answer. A good example is Suggestion: Do not display comments, edits, and answer selections on the "All Activity" page. The rules state that this should not be allowed, so what do I do about them?

As far as I know, they are not exactly breaking the rules, but Pokemaster is the only one who can say if they are breaking the rules

"Only answers in the answer box: Use the comment function to reply to others' posts, for example to ask for clarification on a question/answer. If you need to add to your own post, click edit to change it."
~The [Rules][1]

To my understanding, comments are more of opinions, not facts. People put their answers as comments because they don't know if they're correct. If they did answer their thoughts in the answers box, they could be giving someone false information.
Suggestion questions aren't for us regular users to answer, since Pokemaster is the only one who can make changes to the site, Pokemaster decides whether or not the suggestion turns into an actual thing on PokeBase.


About that question, I commented since as I said, i cant decide whether to have it or not. I was just stating my own opinion on it, it just got long

1 Answer

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Best answer

Tell them to post it as an answer :)

Really, that is the best thing. Currently there is no "convert comment to answer" (like there is the convert answer to comment function). Once they have posted the answer, they can hide their comment and you can hide your comment.

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