Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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As a lot of you know, there are no pages for either Mega Evolution nor Z-moves. I suggest for only one page made for them specifically since they are major(ish) part of actual gameplay and competitive battling. Only one because they both can only be used once per battle, are gimmicks of the gen they were introduced, and can be considered op for most.

I'm sure this is on PM's to-do list. The game has been out for only a few days, give him time.
Contrary to popular belief, most people have a life ^.^
I know but this should atleast be a reminder in the future if he has time.

1 Answer

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We already have pages for Mega Evolutions: here for XY, and here for ORAS. I do have a few plans to improve them, like adding stats and such.

I added a page yesterday for Z-Moves here, which has all the effects. They're also listed on every individual move page.

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Cool, but maybe put a link to the Z-moves page to the Pokemon Data or Game Mechanics tab. Sorry if it would be any trouble.
Well it's linked from the SM page ( I've also just added a link from the moves page (