Pokémon Rate My Team
5 votes

Another OU team by the Nubderator? Hell yeah.
Anyways, I made this team a week ago, wanting to use Trick Room Reuniclus again. Laddering wise, it's currently sitting at a 1903, 25-6 record. I would do more, but I hate the tediousness of laddering. Also, I just haven't made one in so freaking long that doesn't revolve around completely standard Pokemon. Although this team is kinda standard, its way less standard then my regular teams. The reason why I revolved it around rather unorthodox sets than my regular sets because catching people off guard with this team is one of the many successful points of the team. Rather than me rambling on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on, let's get into the team.

Team Preview:

The team:

Tentacruel (F) @ Black Sludge

Trait: Rain Dish
EVs: 252 HP / 236 Def / 20 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

  • Rapid Spin
  • Scald
  • Toxic
  • Knock Off

Take a very good look at Tentacruel. You can see that it clearly disapproves of something you just did. It hates the fact that you have placed hazards on the field. In rage, it absorbs the Toxic Spikes from the field and uses its bludgeoning Rapid Spin to get those Spikes and Stealth Rock out from its turf. Don't mess with it. Since it cares a lot about its teammates, especially Dragonite, although it doesn't seem like it.
In terms of Tentacruel's EVs, heavy defense investment and the usage of a Defense boosting nature was done in order to hard counter one of the best wielders of the Choice Band - Scizor. The rest of my team doesn't exactly like it, and furthermore, countering Scizor is vital in sweeping with Reuniclus at the endgame. Rain Dish was used over Liquid Ooze in order to gain the upper hand on the many rain teams in OU.
The rest of Tentacruel's moveset is pretty standard. Any bulky Water type Pokemon that has access to STAB Scald should use it, and Tentacruel is no exception. The handy 30% burn chance really helps in catching Reuniclus' counters, such as Scizor and Tyranitar, making them less powerful and making Reuniclus able to sponge a few Dark type moves. I'm still debating on what I should put into the next slot. Toxic Spikes sounds nice, but I ended up sticking with Toxic, as I got tired of Jellicent coming in on Tentacruel and Tentacruel being helpless against it as it spinblocks. Lastly, Knock Off is a absolutely beautiful utility move in OU, as it severely cripples switchins, which are usually Jellicent and Defensive Pokemon, which all lose their Leftovers and Black Sludges for the rest of the match. It's a pretty decent move, as the extra residual damage with Toxic can rack up when the opponent has lost their item.

Ferrothorn (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

  • Stealth Rock
  • Thunder Wave
  • Leech Seed
  • Power Whip

Ferrothorn's access to entry hazards and making an excellent defensive core with Tentacruel is what landed it on the team. Ferrothorn's excellent defensive typing brings key resistances to the table, such as Electric, Grass, and more importantly, Dragon. Being the only steel type Pokemon in the team forces it to switch in and out multiple times, making Tentacruel an even more vital partner. EVs on this guy allow it to survive a +1 Haxorus' Earthquake. But Haxorus isn't even that common anymore. So screw it. Ferrothorn's access to Stealth Rock allows it to weaken the Fire Pokemon that give Ferrothorn trouble, as well as troubling U-turn Scizor. Hazards allow my Dragonite and Reuniclus to fare much better against opposition. My team isn't exactly the fastest, so I opted to use a move that would slow opposition down. Luckily Ferrothorn has access to Thunder Wave. Having a way to recover HP in Ferrothorn's case, because it has to repeatedly switch. Ferrothorn's Leech Seed helps teammates like Dragonite and Terrakion recover their health easier, as they detest residual damage. Finally, as a way of saying "Screw you" to Taunters and Gastrodons everywhere, STAB Power Whip comes out, and even when uninvested, a base 92 Attack stat is still pretty damn decent.

Reuniclus (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Magic Guard
EVs: 192 HP / 64 Def / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)

  • Trick Room
  • Psychic
  • Shadow Ball
  • Focus Blast

Who would have ever known that a cute green blob could deal so much damage?
When I first did, that was not the case.
However, OU is currently a fast tier, with Pokemon running Speed EVs everywhere, Reuniclus' pathetic speed stat is easily solved by giving it no Speed investment and letting it hold Iron Ball, of course. That is the noob way of thinking about it.
On the other hand, you can just give it a speed hindering nature and just be done with it. Maybe you can throw in 0 IVs in Speed as well.
And now it outspeeds everything.
On another quick note, EVs give Reuniclus some Physical bulk while maximizing Special Attack to hit as hard as possible. Having Magic Guard as an ability makes it take no damage from hazards and Life Orb, which increases longevity.
After a Quiet Nature and 0 IVs in Speed, Trick Room is an epic move on Reuniclus. After Trick Room, only a Ferrothorn can outspeed it, and unless that thing is Choice Banded and uses Shadow Claw, Ferrothorn can't really touch Reuniclus. The choice between Psychic or Psyshock as STAB was tough, but I ended up going for Psychic, as demolishing Physical walls was way more appealing. Plus, Reuniclus fortunately has teammates to look to when that situation happens. When Psychic Pokemon begin to come out to take Psychic, such as Celebi and Latias, Reuniclus pops them with a Shadow Ball, which deals hefty damage. Focus Blast has great coverage with Shadow Ball, as they hit almost everything for neutral damage. Focus Blast allows me to shot down Steel Pokemon and Tyranitar, which would otherwise harm or all Reuniclus.

Team continued below!


edited by
Lol, is everyone making an RMT now... xD
You call Reuniclus a cute green Blob.
Cute green http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/user/Blobyolo ? xD
Now its a cute purple blob :3
I still don't see how you manage to refer Blob to a Reuniclus :3
Im the most Reni Like person o the DB xD

1 Answer

0 votes


Team continued from above!

Terrakion @ Expert Belt

Trait: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

  • Stone Edge
  • Close Combat
  • X-Scissor
  • Earthquake

Terrakion is an extremely versatile Pokemon. However, most players of OU rely on the fact that Terrakion is Choice Banded or Scarfed, meaning another item that Terrakion might have can royally screw over the opponent. Allow me to show you this one picture that is basically going to sum up what I want to say about Terrakion.

That picture speaks the truth. Terrakion's glorious offensive typing allows it to cover a huge part of the OU metagame easily. However, extremely dedicated Physical walls, such as Skarmory, Landorus-T, Gliscor, and Hippowdon, give Terrakion a bit of trouble, but Reuniclus screws those Pokemon over easily. As well as a future teammate. EVs give Terrakion maximum attacking potential as well as 4 SDef EVs to stop Downloaders from getting a special attack boost. The item allows Terrakion to bluff a Choiced set extremely well, as the current metagame is scared of Choiced Terrakion. Since its counter hope that Terrakion's locking into one move is there, switching of moves becomes deadly to the opponent. STAB Stone Edge, also known as Stone Miss, has great coverage with its other STAB, Close Combat. These two moves present good coverage, and often make the other moves on the set generally used less. However, X-Scissor is my option against Psychic Pokemon, especially Latias coming in to take a Choice Combat. Earthquake is redundant with Terrakion's STABs, but it is useful in multiple cases. Pokemon such as Jirachi, Tentacruel, and Toxicroak all are hit harder with it, and they often come in to sponge Terrakion's STAB moves, weakening them to the point to where an Earthquake, boosted by Expert Belt, takes it out.

Rotom-W @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

  • Hydro Pump
  • Volt Switch
  • Hidden Power [Ice]
  • Trick

Rotom-W, you really should wear those sunglasses in your game sprite. It really suits you.
Rotom-W is in way too many in my teams. I literally just counted how many I did, and its currently in 67 of them Geez, Mewderator.
Rotom-W's superb typing forces a ridiculous amount of switches, and this Rotom-W is meant to prey on that fact, Due to how common Rotom-W carries Leftovers in the current metagame, a Choice Scarf variant is very surprising for a team to face. Therefore, the opponent must play carefully, allowing me to gain momentum. Leading off with this guy often leads to 1 very crippled Choiced Pokemon.
Rotom-W's EVs gives it maximum Special Attacking prowess, and 4 EVs in SDef to get Downloaders a Special Attack boost. The moveset is pretty damn simple.

>Rotom-W can force switches due to its great typing and it's access to a pivoting move; in this case, it's STAB Volt Switch. Volt Switch puts lots of pressure on rain teams, due to the Water types on them. Also, it synergizes well with STAB Hydro Pump for multiple reasons. Pokemon that switch into Rotom-W's Volt Switch are typically Ground Pokemon, and they get nailed with Hydro Pump. More importantly, rain teams have Politoed, who is scared to take Volt Switch at times, and rain teams tend to pack a Pokemon that has a Electric absorbing Pokemon, such as Thundurus-T and Jolteon. Rain boosted Hydro Pump usually knocks them out, unless Hydro Miss gets in the way.

After that laziness spree, let's talk about why Rotom-W has Hidden power [Ice] in its moveset. It's because I have no other Ice moves, and HP Ice does great in OU, hitting many Pokemon in OU super effectively, such as Dragons, Landorus-T, and Gliscor. Trick is extremely useful on Rotom-W, as its Choice Scarf set isn't popular anymore, and Leftover variants are. Tricking a Scarf really helps cripple vital members of the team.

Dragonite (M) @ Choice Band

Trait: Multiscale
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

  • Outrage
  • Fire Punch
  • Earthquake
  • ExtremeSpeed

Here's another set that isn't seen often. Banded Dragonite. This thing's job is to rip holes in my opponents team, sack it, then finish off with Reuniclus.
EVs give maximum attack and speed, and 4 SDef EVs to allow 5 switchins to Stealth Rock, if Tentacruel doesn't get to it on time.
When people first see Dragonite, they often panic and send out something for status, because they want the Lum Berry burned and Dragonite's Dragon Dances remain useless. The raw power Choice Band offers allows me to go through teams with STAB Outrage, which is usually enough to get though 2 members of the opponent's team easily, before confusion kicks in. When a Steel Pokemon is still alive, DNite can easily pop them with a Fire Punch, OHKOing most Steels except Heatran and Skarmory. Outrage and Fire Punch have good synergy, even though DNite is Choiced. Earthquake nails Heatran, the only Pokemon to resist the Draco-Fire combination. ExtremeSpeed is the main selling point of Dragonite's Banded set, as its increased priority allows me to pick off weakened Pokemon, and is resisted by less Pokemon. ExtremeSpeed's switchins are covered by Terrakion easily, besides Jellicent.













Thanks to Lenub for providing a few replays :3


Tentacruel (F) @ Black Sludge
Trait: Rain Dish
EVs: 252 HP / 236 Def / 20 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Scald
- Rapid Spin
- Toxic
- Knock Off

Ferrothorn (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Thunder Wave
- Leech Seed
- Power Whip
- Stealth Rock

Reuniclus (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Magic Guard
EVs: 192 HP / 64 Def / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Trick Room
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

Terrakion @ Expert Belt
Trait: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Stone Edge
- Close Combat
- X-Scissor
- Earthquake

Rotom-W @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Trick

Dragonite (M) @ Choice Band
Trait: Multiscale
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch
- ExtremeSpeed

A final look at the team:

edited by
That petrified Dragonite...
*up votes both the answer and question* U mad bro?
Yes, that's not allowed, and is essentially spam upvoting.
Try running Jolly on Dnite. It's gonna be missing out on quite a few kills which would of been easy kills otherwise. Despite dat, epic team Mew :3