Pokémon Rate My Team
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Just got turned on to Showdown and I jumped at the chance to build a perfect team. But (maybe due to my inexperience at ev training, abilities and natures) I know i'm missing something. I get it all but my team is lacking something. I love playing type coverage and I just don't have a big enough range. Or maybe is something else I don't even see. These are my favorite pokemon and perhaps im blinded by love. Who knows. I was thinking maybe Blastoise instead of Forretress. But That's why im asking! So here is my team:

Item: Scope Lens
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Attack & 252 Speed

Swords Dance
Ice Punch
Shadow Claw
Night Slash

Item: Mawilite
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP & 252 HP

Swords Dance
Sucker Punch
Play Rough
Iron Head

Item: Damp Rock
Ability: Plus
Nature: Modest
EVs: 180 Sp. Def, 252 HP & Rest in Sp. Atk

Rain Dance
Hidden Power Water
Focus Blast

Item: Leftovers
Ability: Multiscale
Nature: Careful
EVs: 252 Sp. Def & 252 HP

Thunder Wave
Dragon Tail

Item: Red Card
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Relaxed
EVs: 252 Defense & 252 HP

Gyro Ball
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock

Item: Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk & 252 Speed

Shadow Ball
Dream Eater
Sludge Bomb

I really appreciate the help! Any suggestions are welcome even substitutions.

IMO Replace Shadow Ball on Gengar with Hex
130 Base power when used with Hypnosis
1. Gengar: Sleep Clause makes Dream Eater bad, so I'd take that out. For Hex to be viable, you should make give your entire team more status-causing focus... so I would not recommend Hex. For the replaced moves you can do coverage moves (Psychic, Focus Blast, Thunder Bolt, Giga Drain, etc.) or you can do Sub Disable.
2. Weavile: Scope Lens + Night Slash (or Shadow Claw) only has a (+2) crit resulting in only 50%. I would use a Life Orb with this set instead: Ice Shard, Knock Off, Brick Break, and Swords Dance/Ice Punch
3. Ampharos: Rain Dance is necessarily bad unless you are on a dedicated rain team. And I wonder why you use HP Water over HP Ice. Ability should be Static.
4. Forretress: I'm not a big fan of the Rapid Spinner being the same as the Spike Rocker, but if it works for you, then that's fine. If you wanna put the spin (heh) on something else, you can optionally put in Skarmory instead. Red Card is a nice surprise item, it probably works better if another Pokemon is the spinner.
5. Mawile: Nothing to say.
6. Dragonite: Nothing to say.
Thanks so much for all of the help! I will fix my team and let you guys know how I do :)

2 Answers

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Hello! Bug Catcher Burn here. I'm going to help you out here.


You are missing something- Pokémon can have up to 510 EV's. You only have 504. I generally put the last 4 (Stat goes up by one point for every 4 EV's so the last two is pointless) into HP if I don't already have EV's there. Replace Shadow Claw for Brick Break or Low Kick for superior coverage. Also, change out Ice Punch for Ice Shard- priority, you know. Consider a Life Orb in place of that Scope Lens, although Scope Lens works too. Another alternative, if you don't want two SD sweepers, is Choice Band with everything I already said, and Shadow Claw in place of Swords Dance


Whoops, typo. I assuming you meant 252 HP and 252 Atk. Here, since you already have HP EV's, put the last 4 into Def. Swap out Hyper Cutter for Intimidate as you can lower someone else's Attack on the first switch. Other than that, good!


Hmmm... meh. Not doing too much for this team. Rain Dance is not too good outside of strictly Rain teams. Ampharos itself isn't the best without Ampharosite. Replace for Jolteon:

Jolteon@ Air Balloon
EV's: 252 SAk,252 Spd, 4 HP
Trait: Volt Absorb
Timid Nature

-Volt Switch
-Signal Beam
-Hidden Power {ICE}/Shadow Ball

Basic Jolteon set here.


Last 4 EV's into Atk. This set is actually very good. I've never seen support Dragonite before. Element of surprise works here as well.


Another great set. this one is less creative, though. Still works just as well! Give 0 Spd IV's for Maximum damage on Gyro Ball. Last 4 EV's into Attack.


Like Aaryaman said, try Hex over Shadow Ball, after Hypnosis it has 130 power. Or just try SubDisable set with last EV's in HP and Substitute and Disable in place of Hypnosis and Dream Eater. Will-O-Wisp is a great support option as well, but you'd have to replace Dream Eater for Psychic. Last 4 EV's into HP.

There you go! Hope I helped!
-Bug Catcher Burn

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Okay to kick things off

Loving the parashuffler dragonite, I love using it and it doenst get enough praise!

Weavile's set isn't exactly standard. Life orb is quite superior set in my opinion (IMO).
Item: life orb
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Attack & 252 Speed
Ice Punch
Knock off
Low sweep/brick break

This set is alot better imo and heres why:
1: Ice punch>ice shard. Weavile is insanely fast so Priority wont always be needed but it can come in handy to say the least
2: Knock off does 1.5x damage if the target is holding an item. Every pokemon holds an item at base 65attack with the 1.5 boost it deals a 97.25 base damage wich is alot higher than night slash.
3: brick break breaks screens give coverage over rock and steel (weakness's) and breaks screens. Low sweep can also be another alternative to lower the opponents speed 100% of the time.

Mega Mawile is insanely good and the best mega evo imo.

There are 2 ways in which its used as a bulky hitter commonly known as Ray Rizzos set or All out attack set. Both can work well in this meta but I honestly think that the bulky set is better because im pretty sure mega mawile with huge power ability and base 105 attack bosts the highest attack stat. at around 210. The bulky set has same moves but the Ev spread is

Bulky set
252hp/76att/180sp def:
Carefull nature

All out attack

In the end personal prefernce.

Forretress is fine. Nice standard set nothing wrong here.

Im deffenitly in agreeance with everyone else on this one. Ampharos is worthless on this team.
Jolteon Far outclasses if its not mega so deffinetly replace it for Bug catchers set or this choice specs life orb:

Jolteon@Choice specs/Life orb
252spa attack/252speed
modest nature
Voltswitch/thunderbolt/thunder all do the same accuracy or power. volt switch can switch out of bad typing etc..
Hidden power ice
Signal ball

The last member of this team Gengar.

I would say this set is mix of disable substitue gengar and choice specs/scarfe.
My advice is go for one or the other

Gengar: black sludge
252speed/252sp attack/4hp
shadow ball

Or The focus sash/choice set
Gengar: Focus sash/Choice item
252spd/252sp attack/4hp
Sludge wave
dazzling gleam

Both sets work well in this meta game. Dazzling gleam is good because it covers gengars weakness dark. Rest is pretty standard.

Over all seems like a rounded team.

Hope this helped:
Also sorry for typos Im Dyslexic
