HeartGold/SoulSilver gym leader rematches
Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver continue the trend of trainer rematches. However there are some differences here. You must first find each leader when they are away from their gym; they will be registered in the PokéGear and tell you a day and/or time to call them for rematch battles.
Setting up rematches
Before you can actually challenge a gym leader, you must find them when they are away from their gym.
The list below has the information for each leader, plus we also provide a handy timetable
format so you can easily see which trainers you can meet right now.
Special cases
- Chuck never leaves his gym. Talk to his wife outside to get the PokéGear number.
- Lt. Surge appears outside the power plant after you have captured/defeated Zapdos. You must show him a Pikachu to get his phone number.
- Blue never leaves his gym either. Talk to his sister Daisy in Pallet Town after she has given 5 Pokémon massages and show her a Pokémon with maximum friendship.

Find: Monday all day
Celadon Dept. Store

Find: Thursday all day
Viridian Forest (south)
Rematch: Thursday afternoon

Find: Every day 12:00-16:00
Goldenrod Dept. Store
Rematch: Saturday afternoon

Find: Mon/Tue all day
Outside Bell Tower
Rematch: Tuesday night

Find: Every day
Outside Cianwood gym (wife)
Rematch: Wednesday night

Find: Every day 13:00-14:00
Olivine Dining Room
Rematch: Wednesday afternoon

Find: Every day 06:00-10:00
Lake of Rage (west)
Rematch: Monday morning

Find: Every day 06:00-10:00
Dragon's Den
Rematch: Friday night

Find: Every day 12:00-15:00
Diglett's Cave
Rematch: Saturday night

Find: Every day 16:00-18:00
Cerulean Cape (Route 25)
Rematch: Wednesday morning

Lt. Surge
Find: Every day 09:00-12:00
Ouside Power Plant
Rematch: Friday morning

Find: Sat/Sun 15:00-17:00
Celadon City fountain
Rematch: Sunday morning

Find: Every day 16:00-18:00
Reception Gate (Victory Road)
Rematch: Monday afternoon

Find: Friday all day
Olivine City harbour
Rematch: Sunday afternoon

Find: Tuesday all day
Cinnabar Island
Rematch: Tuesday afternoon

Find: Every day 15:00-16:00
Pallet Town (Daisy)
Rematch: Sunday night
PokéGear timetable
Any day | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | |||
All day | Chuck | Falkner | Blaine | Bugsy | Sabrina | |||||
Morty | ||||||||||
06:00 | Pryce | Clair | ||||||||
07:00 | ||||||||||
08:00 | ||||||||||
09:00 | Lt. Surge | |||||||||
10:00 | ||||||||||
11:00 | ||||||||||
12:00 | Whitney | Brock | ||||||||
13:00 | Jasmine | |||||||||
14:00 | ||||||||||
15:00 | Blue | Erika | ||||||||
16:00 | Misty | Janine | ||||||||
17:00 | ||||||||||
18:00 |
Rematch timetable
Once you have a trainer's PokéGear number, you can call them at certain times for a rematch. The time windows are split into Morning (4am-10am), Afternoon (10am-8pm) and Evening (8pm-4am). The table below shows when you can battle each trainer.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | ||
04:00 | Pryce | Misty | Lt. Surge | Falkner | Erika | |||
10:00 | Janine | Blaine | Jasmine | Bugsy | Whitney | Sabrina | ||
20:00 | Morty | Chuck | Clair | Brock | Blue | |||
04:00 |