Pokémon Crystal
The second generation of Pokémon concludes with Pokémon Crystal, a remake of Gold & Silver. There were improvements to graphics and some new features, but the plot is largely the same.
Platform | Game Boy Color |
Director | Satoshi Tajiri |
Release dates
Japan | 14th December 2000 |
America | 29th July 2001 |
Europe | 2nd November 2001 |
Australia | 30th September 2001 |
Gameplay changes
- Various graphical updates such as improved Pokémon sprites.
- The playable character may be male or female.
- In the Dragon's Den there is now the chance to receive a Dratini with ExtremeSpeed by answering some questions correctly.
- The Ruins of Alph has more common Unown and an extra quest.
- The legendary Pokémon Suicune is found in multiple locations throughout Johto, where it promptly flees until the Clear Bell is obtained.
- The Move Tutor is introduced, located in Goldenrod Game Corner, and can teach Flamethrower, Ice Beam or Thunderbolt.
- The Battle Tower is added. Three Pokémon are taken inside and you must battle against seven trainers in a row.

The Johto starters: Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile
Unobtainable Pokémon
Several Pokémon are not available during the course of the game, though they are available from one or more of Crystal's predessors: Gold/Silver or Red/Blue/Yellow, as noted below.

