Bitter Herba Mystica (item)


A legendary condiment with a deeply bitter taste. It’s said to dramatically bolster a body’s immune defenses, though that hasn’t been proven.

Game locations

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Game descriptions

Scarlet​/​Violet A legendary condiment with a deeply bitter taste. It’s said to dramatically bolster a body’s immune defenses, though that hasn’t been proven.

Other languages

English Bitter Herba Mystica
Japanese ひでん:にがスパイス
German Bitteres Geheimgewürz
French Épice Secrète Amère
Italian Spezia nascosta amara
Spanish Especia Oculta Amarga
Korean 비전 쌉쌀스파이스
Chinese (Simplified) 秘传:苦味料
Chinese (Traditional) 秘傳:苦味料