Green Petal (item)


Petal received from Mallow during Mina's trial.

Game locations

Sorry, we don't have location data just yet.

Game descriptions

Ultra Sun​/​Ultra Moon A pressed flower petal you receive from Mallow during Mina’s trial. The goal is to collect seven different kinds of petals.
A pressed flower petal you receive from Mallow during Mina’s trial. The goal is to collect seven different kinds of petals.
Scarlet​/​Violet A pressed flower petal you receive from Mallow during Mina’s trial. The goal is to collect seven different kinds of petals.

Other languages

English Green Petal
Japanese みどりのはなびら
German Grünes Blatt
French Pétale Vert
Italian Petalo verde
Spanish Pétalo Verde
Korean 초록꽃잎
Chinese (Simplified) 绿色花瓣
Chinese (Traditional) 綠色花瓣