Wailmer Pail (item)


A nifty watering pail. Use it to promote strong growth in BERRIES planted in soft soil.

Game locations

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Game descriptions

A tool used for watering BERRIES and plants.
FireRed​/​LeafGreen A nifty watering pail. Use it to promote strong growth in BERRIES planted in soft soil.
Ultra Sun​/​Ultra Moon
This is a tool for watering Berries you planted to make them grow more quickly.
This is a tool for watering Berries you planted to make them grow more quickly.
Scarlet​/​Violet A watering can shaped like a Wailmer. It helps promote the healthy growth of any Berries planted in soil.

Other languages

English Wailmer Pail
Japanese ホエルコじょうろ
German Wailmerkanne
French Wailmerrosoir
Italian Vaso Wailmer
Spanish Wailmegadera
Korean 고래왕자물뿌리개
Chinese (Simplified) 吼吼鲸喷壶
Chinese (Traditional) 吼吼鯨噴壺