Mamoswine & Banette available through Pokemon Global Link

Pokémon Events — 22 October, 2011

Mamoswine and Banette are being given away in the Pokemon Global Link through special promotions. When you log in at go to Promotions and enter the passwords below.

The Banette is a special giveaway for Halloween (although the event lasts for several months) and it has its hidden ability Cursed Body, plus a special move Cotton Guard which Banette doesn't normally learn. The password is NPCHARACTER if you're in USA, and BANETYahooGames for those in Europe.

The Mamoswine, only available in Europe at this time, has its hidden ability Thick Fat, but no special moves. Password is MAMNintendoOfficial.

There have also been many C-Gear skins released in recent months, which I'll post about shortly.

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