News roundup, December 2011

General News — 16 December, 2011

Yep, I'm still here! I just realized that I haven't posted any news for absolutely ages. There hasn't been a huge amount of Pokemon things going on, but there are a few important events and announcements coming up! I'll run through them all here.

A new Pokemon game to be revealed!
Jump Festa, an annual anime/manga party, is due to make a big Pokemon announcement, rumoured to be the next Pokemon game coming out. If it turns out not to be a new game, the CoroCoro magazine has said they will reveal the new game in their January issue. We'll post as soon as we have the info.

Super Pokemon Rumble released in UK/Europe
The European version of Pokemon Rumble Blast was released at the beginning of this month. It's a lot of fun so if you have a 3DS I recommend it! I'll be adding some information to this site in the coming days.

Arceus event coming up
The one big bit of news I forgot to post (but was mentioned on Pokebase Meta) was a online vote to pick the next event Pokemon to be released via Dream World. Although good choices like Celebi, Deoxys and Ditto (who has a great hidden ability Imposter) were popular, many troll votes appeared for Pikachu, Mudkip and Magikarp. The final winner was Arceus! Dates yet to be revealed.

New C-Gear skins and other events
Victini is available over Mystery Gift and a Deerling C-Gear skin via the Global Link, password B8XME69W. I'll update the events page shortly with more details.

And finally, Merry Christmas! I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday season and that Santa brings you everything you want!

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