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User CyndaquilTheAlmighty

Member for: 11 years (since Jan 3, 2014)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Male with some feminicity. Oh, and I have forest's blood in me, too.
Country: irl, 'MURICA, in my dreams, either hell or in a dark, wonderful forest
Favorite Pokémon: Cyndaquil (-_- duh), beautiful, cute, or epic pokemon, most ghost types, some grass or fire types. Don't really like that many rock types.
Friend Codes:
About me: K, so I love nature, and animals, but nature especially. And cats. Mrreow! I am usually the ignored (and disliked) one amongst my friends, but, eh, I lead a high and lonely life. (dat was a reference...)
I play minecraft, haven't played it in a while though...:( mostly because there's just too many people I know, and it gets confusing, I have a LOT of things to remember every I also play realm of the mad god, transformice (seldom), and some other stuff.
I am a thlassaphobic (check spelling), which means I fear thy almight large body of watah! D: Really, though, it creeps me out. I don't like spiders irl, sometimes on the internet it's okay, I really like snakes <3 ^3^ so cute! My mom is scared stiff when she sees one, though. :/
Um...if I think of anything else to post I will?
Personality: Kind of a bitch that loses the temper easily, cools down fast afterwards though, doesn't like higher-ups that think they are some kind of diff species of HOLY RULEKEEPERS I MUST KEEP TO THE RULES, FOR THEY ARE EVERYTHING. It's just lame. ._.

Activity by CyndaquilTheAlmighty

Score: 20 points (ranked #998)
Questions: 0
Answers: 0
Comments: 2
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

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dude srsly chill out mayne.
Jan 7, 2014 by Pahff
hey put ur FC'z on ur profile, YOU! XP
Jan 6, 2014 by Sassy_Little_Mawile
Cyndi. :3
Jan 4, 2014 by Gosu
Okay, king, you there? I am gonna trade you my froakie holding a mewtwonite x in return for a random pokemon holding Y?
Jan 4, 2014 by CyndaquilTheAlmighty
I see, man. No harm done.
Jan 3, 2014 by DarkTyphlosion