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User FlappersFlappers

Member for: 7 years (since Sep 26, 2017)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Posting on user walls
Gender: Pure star-power, baby
Country: Look behind you
Favorite Pokémon:
Friend Codes: Not for you
About me: Not your average every-day octopus...
I'm a salty spiggle spaggle little dumbo flapperpus!
You can look, but don't squish.

I change this section sometimes to keep things spicy.

I'm an artist and avid story-writer (of horrific, disgusting, and mentally terrorizing things). My dream is to animate/make comics of my stories and put them all on the internet. Until then you'll never know how much of a psychopath I really am. By the way, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Cthulhu?

Call me a squid and I'll fight you to the death.
The dimension I live in mimics yours, except it's better -- you should stop by if you want to learn what it feels like to smell color. Having multiple limbs makes it easy to shiny hunt. I have eight problems but a ninth arm ain't one! Catch me shapeshifting and exploring the multiverse.

My Gravatar has this stupid 1-pixel grey line on the bottom and no matter what I do I can't get rid of it and it shows up everywhere and I always see it and it pisses me off.

I've done the math, I've been playing Pokemon for 16 years.
I own Diamond, Platinum, SoulSilver, Heartgold, Black, White, White 2, X, Y, Alpha Sapphire, Omega Ruby, Moon, Ultra Moon, Sun, Ultra Sun, and Shield.

Gen 7 have been my favorite games.
Gen 8 have been my least favorite.
---✪ ✪------PUT THIS----✪ ✪-✪ ✪----RIBBON---✪ ✪---✪ ✪---ON YOUR ---✪ ✪--✪ ✪--PAGE IF--✪ ✪---YOU KNOW---✪ ✪-✪ ✪---YOU’VE GOT----✪ ✪ ✪------THAT----✪ ✪-✪ ✪-----PURE STAR-POWER---✪ ✪

As of my profile's last edit on 3/6/2024 during 4:36 PM: I am 9080 days, 13 hours, and 36 minutes old.

And now I will helicopter away!

Activity by FlappersFlappers

Score: 762 points (ranked #67)
Questions: 9 (3 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 1
Comments: 66
Voted on: 14 questions, 2 answers
Gave out: 14 up votes, 2 down votes
Received: 75 up votes, 1 down vote

Wall for FlappersFlappers

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I am a virulent switch hater so this is a real punch in the gut.
Apr 8 by FlappersFlappers
RIP 3DS online. I knew thee well :C
Apr 8 by FlappersFlappers
HECK yes! good news and celebrations all around
Mar 21 by cranpper
you are one genuine dude
Mar 14 by cranpper
Hey, I haven't been active here ever since SW/SH came out because I think those games absolutely ripped a fart, and I hate the switch so much that I haven't touched it since 2019 and might not get the new Pokémon games even if they look good.

But if you want to, then you can still talk to me on Twitter: For the record I hate Twitter too, but that's all I have so far lol. Soon I'm going to start making an art blog on Pillowfort and Tumblr (maybe, because they just allowed AI on there) and those will be my main online presences. I also still have a GameFAQs:

peace peace
Mar 6 by FlappersFlappers
flapjack octopus :3
Jun 30, 2023 by siegfriedsystem
You could always get a white Sharpie (regardless of if they exist or not) and draw over the gray line. But that might not end well.
Dec 17, 2022 by Gau
I can see the one-pixel gray line.
Dec 16, 2022 by Gau
Yo I wasn't active here for a while because I had some beef with SWSH and felt I couldn't be useful but once I get Scarlet I hope to get back her and update my profile and stuff.
Dec 16, 2022 by FlappersFlappers
I want Smoliv as my son.

I will name him martini.
Jun 1, 2022 by FlappersFlappers