Meta-PokéBase Q&A

User GinnyEvilShadow

Member for: 6 years (since May 16, 2018)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Female
Country: United States(US)
Favorite Pokémon: Darkrai, Dialga, Groudon, Rayquaza, Zapdos, Lunala, Hoopa
Friend Codes: For my 3Ds XL: 4871-9210-9041

...that's all I have...

Friend List:
EvilTwinNeedle aka ETN(Frenimies 4 life :)).
Stakatacool(Cool dude, really nice).

Acquaintance List:
About me: Hello everyone! I've been reading people's questions on this site for a while and I decided to make an account on here to help people out and even get my questions answered. I like Pokemon(duh), Minecraft, and FNaF. Here is some stuff about me and my Pokemon adventures!

First Game: Pokemon X(My friend's).
First Pokemon: Fennekin(Pokemon X).
First Shiny: Goomy(Pokemon X).
First Legendary: Xerneas(Pokemon X).
First Mythical: Magearna(Pokemon Ultra Moon[Although technically, my first mythical was Phione in Pokemon X]).

Now here are some of my favorites and least favorites to do with Pokemon!

Favorite Legendary: (The 5 legendaries up above in the favorite Pokemon section ;)).
Favorite Mythical: Darkrai(without any doubt).
Favorite Type(s): Dark/Fire/Ghost.
Least Favorite Type(s): Bug/Normal.
Favorite Eeveelution(s): Umbreon/Sylveon.
Least Favorite Eeveelution(s): Glaceon/Vaporeon.
Shiny or No Shiny: No shiny(ya, ya, call me crazy, but prefer non shinies).
Special Attack or Attack: Special Attack(I don't know why, but I prefer Special Attack rather than Attack).

Now here are all the Pokemon I have up for trade(this will be updated when needed).
Level 100 shiny Kyogre with Modest nature and 5 IVs .
Level 100 shiny Piplup with perfect IVs.
Level  63 shiny Tapu Koko in a Cherish Ball.
Level 100 shiny Diancie with all it's IVs Hyper Trained.
There are others, but if I listed every shiny, this list would be too long, so I just listed the most valuable ones.

Here is what I'm looking for;
Any level Zeraora with a decent to great nature and NOT shiny.
Any level Kyogre with Modest, Mild, Rash, or Quiet nature that is NOT siny and NOT at all EV trained.

Thanks and have a good day! :)

Activity by GinnyEvilShadow

Score: 22 points (ranked #908)
Questions: 2 (1 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 0
Comments: 4
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for GinnyEvilShadow

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Dead Wall.
Jan 13, 2024 by Zyla™️
Yes. :P

I have a Modest Kyogre and a Relaxed Stakataka, but I use both frequently. :P
Mar 12, 2019 by Staka~
EdDaBoss do you have a Modest, Mild, Rash, or Quiet Kyogre? Or a Relaxed Stakataka(please, they CANNOT be EV trained at all or be shiny)? I really need one of these. Both if you can. I have lots of extra legendaries that I don't need and are just sitting there that you can have(I have a lot of extra Zapdos')
Oct 30, 2018 by GinnyEvilShadow
Hi GES, I have almost any legendary from USUM, which one do you want? I'd have the Kyogre, or the Tapu Koko if it's Adamant/Timid nature.
Oct 30, 2018 by EdDaBoss
My in game name is just Ginny
Sep 17, 2018 by GinnyEvilShadow
What is your in game name?
Sep 16, 2018 by ArceusSlayer
I can be available for the rest of today. Tell me when you'll be on by posting here.
Sep 16, 2018 by ArceusSlayer
I got a Zeraora. It has an awesome nature and has a few tutor moves. Can I have Shiny Arceus pls?
Sep 16, 2018 by ArceusSlayer
Ok I'll try to be on then
Sep 13, 2018 by GinnyEvilShadow
I live in Eastern Time. I will be available on Friday, every Saturday after 5:30 (sometimes before), every Sunday after 2:00 (depends) and this Monday after 3:00.
Sep 12, 2018 by ArceusSlayer