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User Jona

Member for: 13 years (since Feb 12, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Country: Usa
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About me: Hey to all the OGs, I decided to pop back on and thought about how it would be cool to reconnect with some of y'all. If you have steam add me ChucklesJS. If not leave a message on my wall and we can try to find another way to reconnect! Best wishes!

Activity by Jona

Score: 202 points (ranked #177)
Questions: 1
Answers: 3
Comments: 48
Voted on: 35 questions, 25 answers
Gave out: 41 up votes, 19 down votes
Received: 24 up votes, 2 down votes

Wall for Jona

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
By the way, not sure if you know this since you haven't been on the server in quite some time. But there's a bug that requires you to close the lobby and then enter back in in order to have the chat brought up. Just occurred to me that you might be unaware of this issue.
Jul 23, 2015 by trachy
Oh, and the new Duels  was just announced today to be released on the 29th of this month.
Jul 23, 2015 by trachy
I'm not on at a specific time. However, I'll be more active on showdown now that you'll be looking for me. So just pop in every now and then and if I'm there send me a PM.

How much do you know about competitive Magic? We only played Duels together, so do you know anything about the Standard or Modern formats? If not, you should look those up and do a bit of reading on them. Mainly Standard, which is the primary format I play.
Jul 23, 2015 by trachy
Hey Jona, great to hear from you again. :D

Yeah, I still use the site. If you want to get a game going sometime, I would love that. Probably the best way to schedule it is to just pop in to our Showdown server every now and then and see if I am there (I use the username Desdinova).

We won't be able to do Duels of the Planeswalkers (at least over Xbox). I got rid of my Gold account, so no online play. However a new one is being released for free sometime this month, and I'm planning on playing that through Steam, so you should check that out when it comes out. I'll post on your wall when it is released. :D
Jul 22, 2015 by trachy
I don't know if you ever check your wall.

I've found a cool site where you can play Magic for free, with any of the cards in the game.
I've been using it for a couple of weeks, and I plan on continuing to use it. Check it out if you're still into Magic. I'm always up for a game, so feel free to PM me if you're interested (username is trachy).
Apr 5, 2015 by trachy
Yo, Jona. Long time no see. I deleted my twitter because I don't ever use it. If you want to contact and pm me you got me on xbox and gmail. :)
The account will delete itself in the next 30 days.
Nov 12, 2013 by Blobyolo
I'm going to be heading off to college soon, although once there I'll have a roommate who also plays Magic. So once I settle into the rhythm of things, I find it likely I'll be playing some more Magic. Unless Hearthstone beta becomes public. Then I'll be playing that.
Sep 13, 2013 by trachy