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User Kokoro

Member for: 2 years (since Dec 7, 2022)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Human
Favorite Pokémon: 1st- Primarina, 2nd- Dolliv, 3rd- blastoise, 4th- mega gallade, 5th- mareep
Friend Codes:
About me: Just someone who likes Pokémon and started on gen 7 (weird choice but I loved it)

Played Pokémon moon, ultra moon, quest, shield, sword, brilliant diamond, Y, legends, ruby, fire red, scarlet, and violet. (In that exact order)

Shiny’s obtained

-taillow (whom I accidentally released)

-snubble (who I traded to shauna for a chespin for some reason)
- ludvisc

-pikipek (very 1st shiny)
-Alolan rattata

-Ralts->kirlia->gardevoir (which I then proceeded to delete the save it was on forgetting it was there)

-tropius (base game)
-gothita->Gothorita->Gothitelle (base game)
-deerling (base game)
-orthworm (kitakami)
-trapinch (terrarium)
-blitzle (trade from Cyrano)
-alolan graveler (terrarium)
-lumineon (terrarium)
-pichu, pikachu, and two raichus forms from the event outbreaks
-all tatsugiri forms
-2 ralts (both female from kitakami sadly so no shiny gallade :’)
-silicobra (base game)
-fenniken (terrarium)
-rockruff (base game)
-flittle (base game)
-hattrem (kitakami)
-growlithe (kitakami)
-litleo (terrarium)
-popplio (terrarium)
-rowlet (terrarium)
-veluza (base game)
-2 rookidees (base)
-lechonk (base)
-wattrel (base)
-riolu (kitakami)
-comfey (terrarium)

Greatest achievements:
-managed to beat Palmer in the battle tower (bdsp)
-have made it through the regular singe battles in the battle tree in ultra moon
-highest win streak in the battle tree master singles was 12 (this was with my in game team surprisingly)
-managed to beat battle chatelaine Nita (regular version)
 -highest streak in bdsp battle tower is 29 (this was only with a somewhat trained latios, my floatzel, and a random raikou)
-beaten battle chatelaine Evelyn (regular)
-Beat battle chatelaine Dana (Regular)

Goals that I have:
-get better at competitive team making
-get to Palmers 2nd team in the battle tower (bdsp)
-deal with the last battle chatelaine
-hopefully get platinum and try it’s battle frontier
-play emerald and do it’s battle frontier (to the best of my ability)

Other random stuff:
-I just got back into Minecraft after several years of being stuck on an old version of it. ( if you’re wondering how old my version was it still had the nether reactor core as a block)
-favorite mobs in Minecraft is the ally and axolotl (they are friend shaped)
-my best raid mon are my azumarill and great tusk. (I would put their movesets but I’m too lazy to do that)
-My favorite mario kart game is mkds (mainly due to the mission mode)
-made an entire fakemon region and a dex for it all on paper.
-created an entire storyline for said region somewhat on the spot.
-haven’t beaten Pokémon quests post game (fricken happenstance island)
-remember the first two fnaf games will turn 10 years old soon.
-have gotten the video ! ? In my recommendation From the YouTuber 121 kn (always check their channel in case they come back)
-favorite gym leader is Valerie because I like her design & is probably the best fairy specialist imo
-think chocolate ice cream is overrated
-nexomon is a pretty good monster catching game(would recommend)
-managed to beat Minecraft
-2nd favorite water type is Milotic (Primarina is 1st)
-No straight roads is a gem of a rhythm game
-have started brainstorming a sequel to my fakemon region
-have beat the indigo disk! (….on July 13th but better late than never)
-have been dabbling in some street fighter recently (specifically third strike) and would say I’m pretty good
-Completed all of (or at least what I can feasibly do without online) Pokémon scarlet!

Activity by Kokoro

Score: 20 points (ranked #1,000)
Questions: 0
Answers: 0
Comments: 0
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for Kokoro

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Min Min and Piranha Plant are a ton of fun. And yep, I've been checking my wall more often recently but I haven't set digital foot in chat for ages.
Sep 7, 2024 by Gau
Ooh, very cool! I've been playing quite a bit of Smash myself, but on the casual side because I am but a Sora main who occasionally forgets that he is built for jumps and just anchors him to the ground to swing his key around like he barely knows where his enemies are. Oh and also Pit, Pit's pretty fun too.
Great to see you're still around yourself!
Sep 1, 2024 by Gau
Howdy! Good to hear from you again. I've been doing pretty well, mostly just sitting around and intending to practice drawing but never really getting around to it. Someday... how about you?
Aug 26, 2024 by Gau
Yup. I'm very erratic.
Nov 17, 2023 by siegfriedsystem
Hehe, I like visiting people's walls randomly lol
Oct 3, 2023 by siegfriedsystem
Hey uh just a tip but its recommended to respond to another user's wall post on their wall! They may respond quicker :^
Apr 9, 2023 by siegfriedsystem
Yea I know it would’ve been Very nice to have that to speed up the catching process.
Jan 23, 2023 by Kokoro
Nice! It'd help if the Database told you the locations like the Pokedex does, but I suppose if you look hard enough in every area (or look stuff up online), you'll find everything.
Jan 23, 2023 by Gau
Really? I managed to fill the database up….. at a pace. Some of them are pretty hard to get though and I even missed one in the first game and had to go to the post game area to get it.
Jan 23, 2023 by Kokoro
"-nexomon is a pretty good monster catching game(would recommend)"

Agreed. They're a lot of fun. I have yet to fill up my Database on either game, though.

Nexomon Gang
Jan 23, 2023 by Gau