Meta-PokéBase Q&A

User The Adamant Ditto

Member for: 12 years (since Sep 9, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Gender: A MAN!
Country: USA
Favorite Pokémon: ENTEI! Also Scizor, Mandibuzz, Volcarona, Weavile, Heracross, Bisharp, Braviary, Gengar, Armaldo, Zangoose, Porygon-Z and most of the 3rd-4th Gen Pokemon! Numerous others
Friend Codes: Black Version ----  2409-0464-6220
3DS Pokemon Y ------- 4828-4907-9446 IGN Rico
Friend Safari is Poison: Kakuna, Venemoth and Drapion
If your a fair trader looking for species>high levels, maybe we can work somethin out :D

Only other Name I've had was r1c0100 ._. yeah I know creative for a place where your name can b anything right :D right ?
About me: I really like Some specific Normal, Bug, Ghost, Steel and Dark Pokes, since some are underrated and thus unexpected, does that make me weird O_o? Anywho I'm here looking for reliable traders and chill people and such :3 also good people in general now that I know how to edit this thing more or less :D I consider myself casually compulsive at Pokemon but have loved it since I was a little kid, Since I didn't have access to internet or other people in any video games till this past year, I'm just barely getting into the idea of skillfull competition rather than winning because of the higher level Ubers :P ANYWAYS *ahem* on to the list of thanks and gratefulness :)

Spoink: 1st person to guide me around a bit here and showing me how its done when asking a question :P, thank you sir for your guidance :D.

Poke'slash: Probably the 1st person to be nice to me, also I read the section on your profile, and wondered if you might consider having a manga in the works O_O. Torchics light the torches (no pun intended) as the Bronzongs ring out proudly on the promised day!

Leboss: Dude, where to start..... F@%# Gastrodon xD pretty good at battles can't wait for round 3 but i gotta prepare >:D! Your an awesome person, I still can't thank you enough for those trades sir, aaaaaand well, I'll see you on the chat dude :P

Slippery Devil: UU anyone? AAANYOOOONE? Haha you sir are quite the teacher, even if its throw-you-in-the-water-and-see-if-you-float style cuz thats usually how I suck at learning lol. I'm gratefull for the awesome practice when you can spare it :P

Water Tiger: Ahhhh I'm glad to make your acquaintance fellow debater :P if I ever see you on chat I'll always greet you :D and then proceed to wait 30 minits for the reply xD

Piggie-kun: Only one word is necessary: Rival-friend! Because screw my own logic :D I still want a Coke or a Sprite :O

hydreigon_02 AKA Hydra: One of the few ppl I still know after all this time xD Sorry for botching that one trade by breaking my DS >.<

~-~WILL~-~: Another person helping me feel weclome to the site xD something feels wrong coming back after such a long time but this dude helped me feel better here :) ty for the trade assistance Will :D

DzeIII: I hate your Milotic O_O Nuff said ; - ;

Sassy_Little_Mawhile: Yeah i consider you a friend now so what ; - ;

Honorable Mentions: Sempiternus cuz why not
Salamaster: I hope to trade with ya soon

-It has been a solid 4 months since i was last on, much has changed (like showdown). I now play League of Legends (dont hate) so if you wanna catch a round or 2 on the Rift let me know :O
(Update) I know so few people now x/ also no more league for me :/ oh wells

Activity by The Adamant Ditto

Score: 20 points (ranked #1,000)
Questions: 0
Answers: 0
Comments: 2
Voted on: 1 question, 4 answers
Gave out: 5 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for The Adamant Ditto

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Lol awesome thanks xD
Mar 9, 2014 by The Adamant Ditto

i leave you my friend code, in case you ever want to do that 1v1 legendary battle :3
Mar 8, 2014 by Fern
Hello~ This is WaterTiger. ^-^
Feb 26, 2014 by Candle
It's OK, I just can't trade/Pokebank the Bronzong until March because I'm not at my house. D:
Feb 13, 2014 by Poke'slash
Ditto is cute. :D
Feb 12, 2014 by Poke'slash
hahahaha Thanx
I Will cherish it For az Long az The Interwebz Existz
Feb 5, 2014 by Sassy_Little_Mawile
Well i got kicked for calling someone a tool :D yaaaaay 1st person to rile me up in so long lololol
Jan 29, 2014 by The Adamant Ditto
Hey peoples :D if you try to get a hold of me thru my wall well from here on out i will check xD before i never checked cuz im too used to being told someone did something for me to notice O_O times i am on will be sporadic and entirely up to fate and whims :D
Jan 29, 2014 by The Adamant Ditto
Hey, your Friend Safari is Poison? Cool, mine is too, and I also have Kakuna and Venomoth. IDK my third one, I need to beat the Elite Four. Maybe it'll be Drapion.
Jan 27, 2014 by Poke'slash