Meta-PokéBase Q&A

User XtremeKiller

Member for: 13 years (since Jun 20, 2011)
Type: Expert
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: boy
Country: America
Favorite Pokémon: What do you think? The XtremeKiller.
Friend Codes: ∅∅∅∅∅∅∅∅.
Trainer Name: Xtreme
About me: Hi... XtremeKiller here. Just call me Xpert for short. Nothing else... or something bad will happen to you. You don't want to know what it is. xD

Showdown Name(s): S6, Emmsey Squire (team tester), Violet Tsirblou (alt), Sir E. Brum (alt), C. Niall DeMencha (alt)
Former Usernames (in order): Lucario, UltimateLucario, ∞ UltimateStrategist ∞, Gray Test, iNom, XtremeKiller


Submit replies to [email protected] with your username and answers.

1. What Pokemon has the best combined physically defensive stats?
2. What attack, from what Pokemon, would do the most damage to a 252 HP, 128/128 defenses Hardy Reuniclus?
3. How many battle-relevant items were introduced in B/W?
4. How many abilities are only available as DW abilities?
5. Name three Pokemon that have an ability that starts with the same letter as their names.
6. What is the fully evolved Pokemon with the least BST? (Must have evolved... can't be a Pokemon like Dunsparce, which does not evolve)

Oh, and the ultimate Q (which I don't know the answer to):

What Pokemons names can combine to make a perfect pangram? (Has all the letters of the alphabet once)


Activity by XtremeKiller

Score: 674 points (ranked #73)
Questions: 35 (30 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 28 (9 chosen as best)
Comments: 188
Voted on: 39 questions, 42 answers
Gave out: 68 up votes, 13 down votes
Received: 51 up votes, 7 down votes

Wall for XtremeKiller

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hi im from a cult
wanna join
Dec 15, 2022 by ケンサさん
Hi, I'm from 2022.
May 13, 2022 by xPsydxck
happy late 10th anniversary..?
Dec 12, 2021 by L'chonk
hi, im from 2017.
Sep 5, 2017 by DEClDUEYE
Hi. You're favorite pokemon is Xerneas, isn't it?
May 4, 2014 by HelloPeople
Gay Trest tho
Apr 17, 2014 by Gʟɪɢᴜʀʀ
it's an empty wall :O

Goody goody goody :D
I never got the pleasure of meeting you, ah well so sad.
Nov 12, 2013 by MrKijani