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User oldmitch'y532

Member for: 8 years (since Apr 17, 2016)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Depends on professor oak
Favorite Pokémon: Venomoth lapras arcanine clefable swallow pancham noivern sceptile
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Score: 20 points (ranked #1,000)
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shifty - leech seed - nasty plot   or  Tentacruel - muddy water - haze - giga drain :  or whiscash -  dragon dance - earth power - muddywater
Dec 4, 2016 by - xllllllllx - (Icy)
Hey.... I'm not sure if you're even going to read this but here goes nothing. I want to apologize for blowing up on you yesterday. I didn't mean to, and you haven't done anything. It's just that I work so hard and I'm no good. I guess I was just jealous of how good you are and I wanted to be apart of that strength. I hope you forgive me and I hope that we can still be friends
Jun 17, 2016 by Neon Snivy
Hey I have  those pokemon but I can't seem to be on chat the same time you are
Jun 1, 2016 by Neon Snivy  <-----its a chat tht ppls mostly trade n battle at times but watch out 4 scammers n they got alot of rules on it.... n my username on there is Black_Kyurem i mostly watch what the other user type
May 3, 2016 by - xllllllllx - (Icy)