Meta-PokéBase Q&A

User !'•-Indigo-•'!

Member for: 11 years (since Jun 1, 2013)
Type: Editor
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Retagging any question
Editing any question
Editing any answer
Editing any comment
Closing any question
Flagging posts
Approving or rejecting posts
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Posting on user walls
Viewing the newest users page
Gender: Penguin
Country: Antarctica, Born and Raised.
Favorite Pokémon:
Friend Codes: Editor Status: 30 July, 2017 (sometime in the early morning AEST time). It's nice to know all the answers I've made here in the past have all been worth something lol

Account Birthday: June 2, 2013
1,000 points: circa July 15, 2013
2,000 points: 21 July, 2013
3,000 points: 27 August, 2013
4,000 points: 12-20 October, 2013
5,000 points: 12 November, 2013
6,000 points + Expert: 10 December, 2013 - 4:48 PM, AEST.
7,000 points: 24 December, 2013
8,000 points: 6 January, 2014
9,000 points: 18 January, 2014
10,000 points: 1 February, 2014
11,000 points: 2 March, 2014
12,000 points: 17 April, 2014
13,000 points: 6 June, 2014
14,000 points: 30 July, 2014
15,000 points: 1/2 September, 2014
16,000 points: 18 December, 2014
17,000 points: 22 February, 2015
took a teensy little break here ~~
18,000 points: 1 November, 2016 I think
19,000 points: 13-14 December, 2016. Damn.
20,000 points: 2-3 February, 2017!
21,000 points: 23 August, 2017
21,994 points (cos I'll probably miss when I'll get to 22k lol): 16 September, 2018

1,000 points - Meta: 30 March, 2014
2,000 points - Meta: 9-10 January, 2015
Day I discovered I have the most viewed question on Meta: 17 September, 2018 12:24am AEST (I literally made this discovery at midnight)
About me: Hello, I'm Indi.

I am 20 and a girl. Despite popular belief. I'm curious to know how old people think I am. Do I act 12?

I don't check in too often but please leave a post on my wall! No but please for the love of god post anything on my wall I don't have standards

I have been appointed to Editor! My cringey middle school self would be SO jealous. Now to conquer the world...

I'm probably more proud of the fact that my whiny 13-year-old ass has asked the most viewed question on Meta. She was truly sick of those unanswered questions.

Note to self: / /pokebase/user/%3Cv%5E%2A ~%2A%CE%A3olumni%2A~%2A%5Ev%3E (mind the spaces)

プロファイルを 読みます ありあとう。。。 ええと、 私は 日本語が 上手 でした こと 言いません。 :/
(Updated: 13/11/21) (yeah I know the date and the month are backwards but your hemisphere just sucks okay)

Activity by !'•-Indigo-•'!

Score: 2,540 points (ranked #21)
Questions: 61 (32 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 41 (10 chosen as best)
Comments: 878
Voted on: 68 questions, 37 answers
Gave out: 98 up votes, 7 down votes
Received: 244 up votes, 17 down votes

Wall for !'•-Indigo-•'!

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
wheres pahff
Oct 14 by Snow
Jul 5 by Candy
Jun 17 by Mr. Fish
Post ANYTHING then hi
Apr 17 by Mr.devious
poo bum
Aug 17, 2023 by SpillThePolteageist
"No but please for the love of god post anything on my wall I don't have standards"

Hm, lalalalalalalala! And I believe you mean, "No but please for the love of BIDOOF post anything on my wall I don't have standards"?
Aug 14, 2023 by Zyla™️

Ist been a while indigo
Oct 12, 2022 by Maxorus!
Specifically Australia
Sep 28, 2022 by Mahathirio
Go Southern Hemisphere!
Sep 28, 2022 by Mahathirio
Not sure if you remember me, but I just stumbled upon your profile and it's been a while. How you been?
Dec 8, 2021 by a creepy stalker